<canvas id="canvas" width="600" height="400"> If you can see this, your browser does not support Canvas </canvas> <script> let canvas; let ctx; let x = 300; let y = 300; let dx = 2; let dy = 4; let width_AA = 600; let height_AA = 400; function circle(x,y,r) { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(x, y, r, 0, Math.PI*2, true); ctx.fill(); } function rect(x,y,w,h) { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.rect(x,y,w,h); ctx.closePath(); ctx.fill(); } function reset() { ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height); } function init() { canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"); ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); return setInterval(animate, 10); } function animate() { reset(); ctx.fillStyle = "seagreen"; rect(0,0,width_AA,height_AA); ctx.fillStyle = "orange"; circle(x, y, 10); if (x + dx > width_AA || x + dx < 0) dx = -dx; if (y + dy > height_AA || y + dy < 0) dy = -dy; x += dx; y += dy; } init(); </script>
<canvas id="canvasA" width="400" height="400"><p>canvas</p></canvas> <style> #canvasA{top:1vw; border: .5vw solid black; background-image: linear-gradient(green, blue, red);} </style> <script> let c = document.getElementById("canvasA"); let ctxA = c.getContext("2d"); ctxA.moveTo(0,0); ctxA.lineTo(400,400); ctxA.strokeStyle = "magenta"; ctxA. lineWidth = 15; ctxA.stroke(); </script>
<canvas id="canvasB" width="400" height="400">canvas-1</canvas> <script> let d = document.getElementById("canvasB"); let ctxB = d.getContext("2d"); ctxB.beginPath(); ctxB.arc(200,200,120,0,2*Math.PI); ctxB.strokeStyle = "magenta"; ctxB. lineWidth = 15; ctxB.stroke(); </script>
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<canvas id="canvasD" width="400" height="400">canvas-3</canvas> <script> let f = document.getElementById('canvasD'); let ctxD = f.getContext('2d'); let gradientD = ctxD.createRadialGradient(100,100,5,90,160,160); gradientD.addColorStop(0, "red"); gradientD.addColorStop(1, "white"); ctxD.fillStyle = gradientD; ctxD.fillRect(110, 110, 150, 90); </script>
<div> <h3>image to use:</h3> <img id="Holiday" src="../images/1.jpg" width="400" height="400" alt="Holiday" style="margin-left: 10vw;"/> <h3>canvas to fill:</h3> <canvas id="canvasE" width="400" height="400">canvas-4</canvas> <a><button onclick="canvasA()">try it</button></a> </div> <script> function canvasA(){ let a = document.getElementById('canvasE'); let ctx = a.getContext('2d'); let img = document.getElementById('Holiday'); ctx.drawImage(img,0,0,400,400); } </script>
<canvas id="canvas_a" width="300" height="300"></canvas> <script> const canvas_a = document.getElementById('canvas_a'); const ctx_a = canvas_a.getContext('2d'); ctx_a.lineWidth = 10; ctx_a.strokeRect(75, 140, 150, 110); ctx_a.fillRect(130, 190, 40, 60); ctx_a.beginPath(); ctx_a.moveTo(50, 140); ctx_a.lineTo(150, 60); ctx_a.lineTo(250,140); ctx_a.closePath(); ctx_a.stroke(); </script>
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<canvas id="canvas_3c" width="300" height="300"></canvas> <script> function draw14() { var ctx_3c = document.getElementById('canvas_3c').getContext('2d'); for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) {; ctx_3c.fillStyle = 'rgb(' + (51 * i) + ', ' + (255 - 51 * i) + ', 255)'; ctx_3c.translate(10 + j * 90, 10 + i * 90); ctx_3c.fillRect(0, 0, 50, 50); ctx_3c.restore(); } } } draw14(); </script>
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<div> <canvas class="canvas-A"> <p>Description of the canvas for those unable to view it.</p> </canvas> </div> <script> const canvas_A = document.querySelector(".canvas-A"); const width = (canvas_A.width = window.innerWidth/2); const height = (canvas_A.height = window.innerHeight/2); const ctx_A = canvas_A.getContext("2d"); ctx_A.fillStyle = "rgb(150,150,150)"; ctx_A.fillRect(0,0, width, height) </script>
<div> <canvas class="canvas-B"> <p>Description of the canvas for those unable to view it.</p> </canvas> </div> <style> .canvas-B{border: 0.2vw solid blue;} </style> <script> const canvas_B = document.querySelector(".canvas-B"); const width_B = (canvas_B.width = window.innerWidth/2); const height_B = (canvas_B.height = window.innerHeight/2); const ctx_B = canvas_B.getContext("2d"); ctx_B.fillStyle = "rgb(150,150,150)"; ctx_B.fillRect(0,0, width, height); ctx_B.fillStyle = "rgb(250,0,0)"; ctx_B.fillRect(50,50, 100, 150); ctx_B.fillStyle = "rgb(0,250,0)"; ctx_B.fillRect(75,75, 100, 100); ctx_B.fillStyle = "rgb(255,0,255, 0.75)"; ctx_B.fillRect(125,100, 175, 50); ctx_B.strokeStyle = "rgb(255, 255, 255)"; ctx_B.lineWidth = 5; ctx_B.strokeRect(25, 25, 300, 200) ctx_B.fillStyle = "rgb(255, 255, 25)"; ctx_B.beginPath(); ctx_B.moveTo(450, 50); ctx_B.lineTo(650, 50); const triHeight = 110 * Math.tan(degToRad(60)); ctx_B.lineTo(550, 50 + triHeight); ctx_B.lineTo(450, 50); ctx_B.fill(); function degToRad(degrees){ return(degrees * Math.PI)/180; } ctx_B.fillStyle = "rgb(0, 200, 255)"; ctx_B.beginPath(); ctx_B.arc(150, 356, 70, degToRad(0), degToRad(360), false); ctx_B.fill(); ctx_B.fillStyle = "yellow"; ctx_B.beginPath(); ctx_B.arc(400, 356, 50, degToRad(-45), degToRad(45), true); ctx_B.lineTo(400, 356); ctx_B.fill(); </script>
<div> <canvas class="canvas-C"> <p>Description of the canvas for those unable to view it.</p> </canvas> </div> <style> .canvas-C{border: 0.2vw solid blue;} </style> <script> const canvas_C = document.querySelector(".canvas-C"); const width_C = (canvas_C.width = window.innerWidth/2); const height_C = (canvas_C.height = window.innerHeight/2); const ctx_C = canvas_C.getContext("2d"); ctx_C.fillStyle = "rgb(150,150,150)"; ctx_C.fillRect(0,0, width, height); ctx_C.strokeStyle = "white"; ctx_C.lineWidth = 1; ctx_C.font = "36px arial"; ctx_C.strokeText("Canvas text", 50, 50); ctx_C.fillStyle = "red"; ctx_C.font = "48px georgia"; ctx_C.fillText("Canvas text", 50, 150); canvas_C.setAttribute("aria-label", "Canvas text"); ctx_C.fillStyle = "blue"; ctx_C.font = "48px georgia"; ctx_C.fillText("Nice playing with text", 150, 250); canvas_C.setAttribute("aria-label", "Nice playing with text"); </script>
<div> <canvas class="canvas-D"> <p>Description of the canvas for those unable to view it.</p> </canvas> </div> <style> .canvas-D{border: 0.2vw solid blue;} </style> <script> const canvas_D = document.querySelector(".canvas-D"); const width_D = (canvas_D.width = window.innerWidth/2); const height_D = (canvas_D.height = window.innerHeight/2); const ctx_D = canvas_D.getContext("2d"); ctx_D.fillStyle = "rgb(150,150,150)"; ctx_D.fillRect(0,0, width, height); const image = new Image(); image.src = "../images/smiley.png"; image.addEventListener("load", () => ctx_D.drawImage(image, 20, 20)); image.addEventListener("load", () => ctx_D.drawImage(image, 250, 250)); </script>
<div> <canvas class="canvas-E"> <p>Description of the canvas for those unable to view it.</p> </canvas> </div> <style> .canvas-E{border: 0.2vw solid blue;} </style> <script> const canvas_E = document.querySelector(".canvas-E"); const width_E = (canvas_E.width = window.innerWidth/2); const height_E = (canvas_E.height = window.innerHeight/2); const ctx_E = canvas_E.getContext("2d"); ctx_E.fillStyle = "rgb(150,150,150)"; ctx_E.fillRect(0,0, width, height); ctx_E.translate (width/2, height/2) function degToRad_1(degrees) { return (degrees * Math.PI) / 180; } function rand(min, max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; } let length = 250; let moveOffset = 20; for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { ctx_E.fillStyle = `rgba(${255 - length},0,${255 - length},0.9)`; ctx_E.beginPath(); ctx_E.moveTo(moveOffset, moveOffset); ctx_E.lineTo(moveOffset + length, moveOffset); const triHeight_2 = (length / 2) * Math.tan(degToRad_1(60)); ctx_E.lineTo(moveOffset + length / 2, moveOffset + triHeight_2); ctx_E.lineTo(moveOffset, moveOffset); ctx_E.fill(); length--; moveOffset += 0.7; ctx_E.rotate(degToRad_1(5)); } </script>
<div> <canvas class="canvas-F"> <p>a guy walking.</p> </canvas> </div> <style> .canvas-F{border: 0.2vw solid blue;} </style> <script> const canvas_F = document.querySelector(".canvas-F"); const width_F = (canvas_F.width = window.innerWidth/2); const height_F = (canvas_F.height = window.innerHeight/2); const ctx_F = canvas_F.getContext("2d"); ctx_F.fillStyle = "rgb(150,150,150)"; ctx_F.fillRect(0,0, width, height); ctx_F.translate( width /2, height / 2); const image_F = new Image(); image_F.src = "../images/walk-right.png"; image_F.onload = draw; let sprite = 0; let posX = 0; function draw18(){ ctx_F.fillRect(-(width / 2 ), -(height / 2 ), width, height); ctx_F.drawImage(image_F, sprite * 102, 0, 102, 148, 0 + posX, -74, 102, 148); if (posX % 13 === 0) { if (sprite === 5) { sprite = 0; } else { sprite++; } } if (posX > width / 2) { let newStartPos = -(width / 2 + 102); posX = Math.ceil(newStartPos); console.log(posX); } else { posX += 2; } window.requestAnimationFrame(draw); }; </script>
change the inputs in the function to create different shapes
<div> <canvas id="canvas-X"> </canvas> </div> <script> const canvas_X = document.querySelector("#canvas-X"); canvas_X.width = 400; canvas_X.height = 200; const ctx_X = canvas_X.getContext("2d"); const cx_X = 1200; const cy_X = 200; function drawShape (x, y, r, sides){ // move the canvas to the center position ctx_X.translate(x, y); for (let i = 0; i < sides; i++) { // calculate the rotation const rotation = ((Math.PI * 2) / sides) * i; // for the first point move to if (i === 0) { ctx_X.moveTo(r * Math.cos(rotation), r * Math.sin(rotation)); } else { // for the rest draw a line ctx_X.lineTo(r * Math.cos(rotation), r * Math.sin(rotation)); } } // close path and stroke it ctx_X.closePath(); ctx_X.stroke(); // reset the translate position ctx_X.resetTransform(); } drawShape(100,100,100,6) </script>