- defines whether or not an element reacts to pointer events.
Property values:
auto : the element reacts to pointer events, like :hover and click. This is default.
none : the element does not react to pointer events.
initial : sets this property to its default value.
inherit : inherits this property from its parent element.
example: pointer-events property
Move over the links below to see if they react on pointer events.
<div> <p>Move over the links below to see if the react on pointer events.</p> <h4>pointer-events: none:</h4> <div class="ex1">Go to <a href="">my website</a></div> <h4>pointer-events: auto (default):</h4> <div class="ex2">Go to <a href="">my second website</a></div> </div> <style> div.ex1 {pointer-events: none;} div.ex2 {pointer-events: auto;} </style>