HTML - tags - c....



"canvas" tag : used to draw graphics on the fly "caption" tag : specifies the title of a table "cite" tag : defines the title of a creative work "code" tag : displays content as being computer code "column" tags: colgroup - col : specifies group of columns

"canvas" tag : used to draw graphics on the fly


The <canvas> tag is used to draw graphics, on the fly, via scripting (usually JavaScript). The <canvas>tag is transparent, and is only a container for graphics. You must use a script to actually draw the graphics. Any text inside the <canvas>element will be displayed in browsers with JavaScript disabled and in browsers that do not support <canvas>.

It can render lines, circles, rectangles, polygons, bitmap images, text, and more.

Attributes: this element include the global attributes. Major attributes are:

height ; value: pixels; specifies the height of the canvas. Default value is 150.

width ; value: pixels; specifies the width of the canvas. Default value is 300.

id ; value: identifier; defines a unique identifier for the canvas.

Syntax : <canvas id=" " width=" " height=" "> . . . </canvas>

some examples


Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag.
                <canvas class="spec" id="Canvas" width="200" height="100" style="border:1px solid #000000;">
                Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag.</canvas>


Your browser does not support the canvas tag.
                <canvas class="spec" id="Canvas-1">Your browser does not support the canvas tag.</canvas>
                    var c = document.getElementById("Canvas-1");
                    var ctx = c.getContext("2d");
                    ctx.fillStyle = "blue";
                    ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 180, 100);


Your browser does not support the canvas tag.
                <canvas class="spec" id="Canvas-2">Your browser does not support the canvas tag.</canvas>
                    var c1 = document.getElementById("Canvas-2");
                    var ctx = c1.getContext("2d");
                    ctx.fillStyle = "red";
                    ctx.fillRect(20, 20, 75, 50);
                    ctx.globalAlpha = 0.2;
                    ctx.fillStyle = "blue"; 
                    ctx.fillRect(50, 50, 75, 50); 
                    ctx.fillStyle = "green"; 
                    ctx.fillRect(80, 80, 75, 50);


Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag.
                <canvas class="spec" id="Canvas-3" width="200" height="100" style="border:1px solid green;">
                    Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag.</canvas>
                    var c2= document.getElementById("Canvas-3");
                    var ctx = c2.getContext("2d");

P.S. See also the HTML tutorials (37 and 38), JavaScript tutorials - more in particular tutorial 29 -, as well as the topics on the coding page.

"caption" tag : specifies the title of a table


The <caption> HTML element specifies the caption (or title) of a table. The caption tag, which defines the title of a table in the HTML document, is the first tag to appear after the table tag. Only one caption can be specified for one table. The caption element should be the first child of its parent table element. When the "table" element that contains the "caption" is the only descendant of a "figure" element, the "figcaption" element should be used instead of "caption".

A background-color on the table will not include the caption. Add a background-color to the "caption" element as well if you want the same color to be behind both.

Attributes: the <caption> element includes the global attributes.

Syntax : <caption type=" "> . . . </caption>

some examples


Example caption
login email
user1 [email protected]
user2 [email protected]
                <div class="spec">
                    <table >
                        <caption>Example caption</caption>
                        <td class="space">[email protected]</td>
                        <td class="space">[email protected]</td>


Firstname Lastname Age
Lionel Devries 24
Christine Delrue 32
Thomas Winters 41
                <div class="spec">
                            <th class="space">Lastname</th> 
                            <th class="space">Age</th> 
                            <td class="space">Devries</td> 
                            <td class="space">24</td> 
                            <td class="space">Delrue</td> 
                            <td class="space">32</td> 
                            <td class="space">Winters</td> 
                            <td class="space">41</td> 


favorite fruits
name favorite fruit
Rudy Apple
Nicole Plum
                <div class="spec"> 
                        <caption>favorite fruits</caption> 
                            <th>favorite fruit</th> 
                            <td class="space">Apple</td> 
                            <td class="space">Plum</td>


The figure and figcaption element

on the beach
Fig.1 - Holidays, picture one
                <div class=spec>
                        <img src="../../pics/5.jpg" alt="on the beach" style="width:30%">
                        <figcaption class="example">Fig.1 - Holidays, picture one</figcaption>

"cite" tag : defines the title of a creative work


The <cite> tag defines the title of a creative work (e.g. a book, a poem, a song, a movie, a painting, a sculpture, etc.). The text in the <cite> element usually renders in italic.

The <cite> HTML element is used to describe a reference to a cited creative work, and must include the title of that work. The reference may be in an abbreviated form according to context-appropriate conventions related to citation metadata.

Attributes: the <cite > element supports the global attributes and events attributes.

Syntax : <cite> . . . </cite>

some examples


It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.

First sentence in Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell (Part 1, Chapter 1).


                    <figure style="margin-left:4vw;">
                            <p class="spec">It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.</p>
                        <figcaption>First sentence in <cite><a href="
                        html">Nineteen Eighty-Four</a></cite> by George Orwell (Part 1, Chapter 1).</figcaption>


Any inaccuracies in this index may be explained by the fact that it has been sorted with the help of a computer.
— from The Art of Computer Programming by Donald Knuth


                    <blockquote> Any inaccuracies in this index may be explained by the fact that it has been 
                    sorted with the help of a computer.<br> — from <cite>The Art of Computer 
                    Programming</cite> by Donald Knuth </blockquote>

"code" tag : displays content as being computer code


The <code> HTML element displays its contents styled in a fashion intended to indicate that the text is a short fragment of computer code By default, the content text is displayed using the browser's default monospace font.

To represent multiple lines of code, wrap the <code> element within a <pre> element. The <code> element by itself only represents a single phrase of code or line of code.

The <code> tag is not depreciated. However, a CSS rule can be defined for the code selector to override the browser's default font face. Preferences set by the user might take precedence over the specified CSS.

Attributes: the <code> tag includes the global attributes.

Syntax : <code> . . . </code>

some examples


The push() method adds one or more elements to the end of an array and returns the new length of the array.

The HTML button tag defines a clickable button.

The CSS background-color property defines the background color of an element.

                    <p class="example">The <code>push()</code> method adds one or more 
                    elements to the end of an array and returns the new length of the array.</p>
                    <p class="example">The HTML <code>button</code> tag defines a clickable
                    <p class="example">The CSS <code>background-color</code> property defines
                    the background color of an element.</p>




body { color: yellow; font-size: 16px; line-height: 1.5; }

example: # Display the sumprogram adds two numbers

nu1 = 2.5 nu2 = 5.3 sum = float(nu1) + float(nu2) print('The sum of two num {0} and {1} is {2}'.format(nu1, nu2, sum))


without the <pre> tag

Here's the basic code for creating a table in HTML:

<table> <tr> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> </table>

with the <pre> tag

Here's the basic code for creating a table in HTML:


"column" tags: colgroup - col : specifies group of columns


The <colgroup> tag specifies a group of one or more columns in a table for formatting. The <colgroup> tag is useful for applying styles to entire columns, instead of repeating the styles for each cell, for each row. The <colgroup> tag must be a child of a <table> element, after any <caption> elements and before any <thead>, <tbody>, <tfoot>, and <tr> elements. To define different properties to a column within a <colgroup>, the <col> tag can be used within the <colgroup> tag.

The <col> tag specifies column properties for each column within a <colgroup> element. >The <col> tag is useful for applying styles to entire columns, instead of repeating the styles for each cell, for each row.

Attributes: the <col> element and <colgroup> element include the global attributes. The tags also support the following additional attribute:

span : value:"number"; specifies the number of columns a column group or <col> element should span.

Syntax : <col span=" "> . . . </col>

Syntax : <colgroup> . . . </colgroup>

some examples


order number product price
3476896 mobile phone $53
5869207 electric fan $49
                <div class="spec">
                    <table class="example">
                        <col span="2" style="background-color:dodgerblue"/>
                        <col style="background-color:lightgreen"/>
                        <th>order number</th>
                        <td>mobile phone</td>
                        <td>electric fan</td>


Item Qty. Price Cost
Bananas 5 0.50 2.50
Apples 2 0.25 0.50
Oranges 3 0.75 2.25
TOTAL 5.25
                <div class="spec">
                    <table class="example">  
                            <col span="3"> 
                            <col class="total"> 
                                <td colspan="3">TOTAL</td> 


Header 1 Header 2 Header 3 Header 4 Header 5
Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell
Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell
                <div class="spec">
                    <table class="example">
                            <col style="background:#AEF642;">
                            <col span="3" style="background:#F4FBEA;">
                            <col style="background:orange;">
                            <th>Header 1</th>
                            <th>Header 2</th>
                            <th>Header 3</th>
                            <th>Header 4</th>
                            <th>Header 5</th>


name age branch
Nelson 22 CSE
Trevor 21 ECE
                <div class="spec">
                    <table class="example">
                            <col span="1" style="background-color: lightgreen" />
                            <col span="1" style="background-color: lightblue" />
                            <col span="1" style="background-color: none" />