The createEvent() method creates an event of the type specified/event object. The returned object should be first initialized and can then be passed to "EventTarget.dispatchEvent".
Deprecated: this feature is no longer recommended
type : a string that represents the type of event to be created. Possible event types include : AnimationEvent , ClipboardEvent , DragEvent , FocusEvent , HashChangeEvent , InputEvent , KeyboardEvent , MouseEvent , PageTransitionEvent , PopStateEvent , ProgressEvent , StorageEvent , TouchEvent , TransitionEvent , UiEvent , WheelEvent.
// Create the event. const event = document.createEvent("Event"); // Define that the event name is 'build'. event.initEvent("build", true, true); // Listen for the event. elem.addEventListener( "build", (e) => { // matches elem }, false ); // Target can be any Element or other EventTarget. elem.dispatchEvent(event);
example: the createEvent() method allows to simulate events
<div> <div id="myDiv" style="padding:5vw;background-color:yellow;" onmouseover="this.innerHTML += '*';">*</div> <p><button onclick="simulateFunction(event)">Simulate Mouse Over</button></p> </div> <script> function simulateFunction(event) { const ev = document.createEvent("MouseEvent"); ev.initMouseEvent("mouseover", true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null); document.getElementById("myDiv").dispatchEvent(ev); } </script>
example: to illustrate the createEvent() method in HTML.
This is a sample paragraph
<div> <p id="create-a" onmouseout="addText()" >This is a sample paragraph</p> <button onclick="eventAdd()">Simulate Mouse Out</button> </div> <style> p#create-a {border: 0.1vw solid blue; background-color: lightblue;} </style> <script> var i=0; function eventAdd() { var x = document.createEvent("MouseEvent"); x.initMouseEvent("mouseout", true, true); document.getElementById("create-a").dispatchEvent(x); } function addText(){ var txt=document.getElementById("create-a"); txt.innerHTML+=" TEXT"+i; i++; } </script>