JavaScript - exitPointerLock() method


Category : document

The exitPointerLock() method asynchronously releases a pointer lock previously requested through Element.requestPointerLock. To track the success or failure of the request, it is necessary to listen for the "pointerlockchange" and "pointerlockerror" events.

Syntax :


Parameters: none



Practical examples

example: use of exitPointerLock() method

Pointer lock demo

This demo demonstrates usage of the pointer lock API. Click on the canvas area and your mouse will directly control the ball inside the canvas, not your mouse pointer. You can press escape to return to the standard expected state.

Your browser does not support HTML5 canvas
                        <div class="information">
                            <h4>Pointer lock demo</h4>
                            <p>This demo demonstrates usage of the pointer lock API. Click on the canvas area and your mouse
                            will directly control the ball inside the canvas, not your mouse pointer. You can press escape 
                            to return to the standard expected state.</p>
                        <canvas width="640" height="360">
                            Your browser does not support HTML5 canvas
                        <div id="tracker"></div>
                        canvas {display: block; margin: 0 auto;	border: 0.1vw solid black;}
                        .information { width: 40vw; margin: 0 auto 3vw;}
                        #tracker { position: absolute; top: 0; right: 1vw; background-color: white; }
                        h4 {font-size: 100%;}
                        // helper function
                        const RADIUS = 20;
                        function degToRad(degrees) {
                            const result = (Math.PI / 180) * degrees;
                            return result;
                        // setup of the canvas
                        const canvas = document.querySelector("canvas");
                        const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
                        let x = 50;
                        let y = 50;
                        function canvasDraw() {
                            ctx.fillStyle = "black";
                            ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
                            ctx.fillStyle = "#f00";
                            ctx.arc(x, y, RADIUS, 0, degToRad(360), true);
                        canvas.addEventListener("click", async () => {
                            if(!document.pointerLockElement) {
                                await canvas.requestPointerLock({
                                unadjustedMovement: true,
                        // pointer lock event listeners
                        document.addEventListener("pointerlockchange", lockChangeAlert, false);
                        function lockChangeAlert() {
                            if (document.pointerLockElement === canvas) {
                                console.log("The pointer lock status is now locked");
                                document.addEventListener("mousemove", updatePosition, false);
                            } else {
                                console.log("The pointer lock status is now unlocked");
                                document.removeEventListener("mousemove", updatePosition, false);
                        const tracker = document.getElementById("tracker");
                        let animation;
                        function updatePosition(e) {
                            x += e.movementX;
                            y += e.movementY;
                            if (x > canvas.width + RADIUS) {
                                x = -RADIUS;
                            if (y > canvas.height + RADIUS) {
                                y = -RADIUS;
                            if (x < -RADIUS) {
                                x = canvas.width + RADIUS;
                            if (y < -RADIUS) {
                                y = canvas.height + RADIUS;
                            tracker.textContent = `X position: ${x}, Y position: ${y}`;
                            if (!animation) {
                                animation = requestAnimationFrame(function () {
                                animation = null;