The insertAdjacentText() method of the Element interface, given a relative position and a string, inserts a new text node at the given position relative to the element it is called from.
element.insertAdjacentText(where, data) node.insertAdjacentText(where, data) element.insertAdjacentText(position, text) node.insertAdjacentText(position, text)
where, position : required. a string representing the position relative to the element the method is called from; must be one of the following strings:
'beforebegin': before the element itself.
'afterbegin': just inside the element, before its first child.
'beforeend': just inside the element, after its last child.
'afterend': after the element itself.
data, text : a string from which to create a new text node to insert at the given position where relative to the element the method is called from.
beforeBtn.addEventListener("click", () => { para.insertAdjacentText("afterbegin", textInput.value); }); afterBtn.addEventListener("click", () => { para.insertAdjacentText("beforeend", textInput.value); });
Click "insert" to insert some text after the header:
<div> <button onclick="insertFunction()">Insert</button> <p>Click "insert" to insert some text after the header:</p> <h4 id="myH4">My Header</h4> </div> <script> function insertFunction() { const h4 = document.getElementById("myH4"); let text = "My inserted text"; h4.insertAdjacentText("afterend", text); } </script>
Click "insert" to insert some text inside the header:
<div> <button onclick="insertFunction2()">Insert</button> <p>Click "insert" to insert some text inside the header:</p> <h4 id="myH42">My Header</h4> </div> <script> function insertFunction2() { const h4 = document.getElementById("myH42"); let text = "My inserted text"; h4.insertAdjacentText("afterbegin", text); } </script>
Click "insert" to insert some text inside the header:
<div> <button onclick="insertFunction3()">Insert</button> <p>Click "insert" to insert some text inside the header:</p> <h4 id="myH43">My Header</h4> </div> <script> function insertFunction3() { const h4 = document.getElementById("myH43"); let text = "My inserted text"; h4.insertAdjacentText("beforebegin", text); } </script>
Click "insert" to insert some text inside the header:
<div> <button onclick="insertFunction4()">Insert</button> <p>Click "insert" to insert some text inside the header:</p> <h4 id="myH44">My Header</h4> </div> <script> function insertFunction4() { const h4 = document.getElementById("myH44"); let text = "My inserted text"; h4.insertAdjacentText("beforeend", text); } </script>