The Document.replaceChildren() method replaces the existing children of a Document with a specified new set of children..
replaceChildren(param1) replaceChildren(param1, param2) replaceChildren(param1, param2, /* … ,*/ paramN)
param1, ..., paramN : a set of Node or string objects to replace the Document's existing children with. If no replacement objects are specified, then the Document is emptied of all child nodes.
document.replaceChildren(); document.children; // HTMLCollection []
The Element.replaceChildren() method replaces the existing children of a Node with a specified new set of children. These can be string or Node objects.
replaceChildren(param1) replaceChildren(param1, param2) replaceChildren(param1, param2, /* … ,*/ paramN)
param1, …, paramN : a set of Node or string objects to replace the Element's existing children with. If no replacement objects are specified, then the Element is emptied of all child nodes.
<div> <h4>Party food option list</h4> <main> <div class="rep" id="replace-1"> <label for="no">No thanks!</label> <select id="no" multiple size="10"> <option>Apples</option> <option>Oranges</option> <option>Grapes</option> <option>Bananas</option> <option>Kiwi fruits</option> <option>Chocolate cookies</option> <option>Peanut cookies</option> <option>Chocolate bars</option> <option>Ham Sandwiches</option> <option>Cheese Sandwiches</option> <option>Falafel sandwiches</option> <option>Ice cream</option> <option>Jelly</option> <option>Carrot sticks and hummus</option> <option>Margherita pizza</option> <option>Pepperoni pizza</option> <option>Vegan veggie pizza</option> </select> </div> <div class="rep buttons" id="replace-2"> <button id="to-yes">Transfer to "Yes" --></button> <button id="to-no"><-- Transfer to "No"</button> </div> <div class="rep" id="replace-3"> <label for="yes">Yes please!</label> <select id="yes" multiple size="10"></select> </div> </main> </div> <style> main {display: flex;} div .rep{ margin-right: 1vw;} label, button {display: block;} .buttons { display: flex; flex-flow: column;justify-content: center; } select {width: 13vw; } </style> <script> const noSelect = document.getElementById("no"); const yesSelect = document.getElementById("yes"); const noBtn = document.getElementById("to-no"); const yesBtn = document.getElementById("to-yes"); yesBtn.addEventListener("click", () => { const selectedTransferOptions = document.querySelectorAll("#no option:checked"); const existingYesOptions = document.querySelectorAll("#yes option"); yesSelect.replaceChildren(...selectedTransferOptions, ...existingYesOptions); }); noBtn.addEventListener("click", () => { const selectedTransferOptions = document.querySelectorAll( "#yes option:checked" ); const existingNoOptions = document.querySelectorAll("#no option"); noSelect.replaceChildren(...selectedTransferOptions, ...existingNoOptions); }); </script>