JavaScript - replaceChildren() method


Category : document

The Document.replaceChildren() method replaces the existing children of a Document with a specified new set of children..

Syntax :

        replaceChildren(param1, param2)
        replaceChildren(param1, param2, /* … ,*/ paramN)


param1, ..., paramN : a set of Node or string objects to replace the Document's existing children with. If no replacement objects are specified, then the Document is emptied of all child nodes.


            document.children; // HTMLCollection []

Category : element

The Element.replaceChildren() method replaces the existing children of a Node with a specified new set of children. These can be string or Node objects.

Syntax :

        replaceChildren(param1, param2)
        replaceChildren(param1, param2, /* … ,*/ paramN)


param1, …, paramN : a set of Node or string objects to replace the Element's existing children with. If no replacement objects are specified, then the Element is emptied of all child nodes.



Practical examples

example: transferring nodes between elements.

Party food option list

                        <h4>Party food option list</h4>
                            <div class="rep" id="replace-1">
                                <label for="no">No thanks!</label>
                                <select id="no" multiple size="10">
                                    <option>Kiwi fruits</option>
                                    <option>Chocolate cookies</option>
                                    <option>Peanut cookies</option>
                                    <option>Chocolate bars</option>
                                    <option>Ham Sandwiches</option>
                                    <option>Cheese Sandwiches</option>
                                    <option>Falafel sandwiches</option>
                                    <option>Ice cream</option>
                                    <option>Carrot sticks and hummus</option>
                                    <option>Margherita pizza</option>
                                    <option>Pepperoni pizza</option>
                                    <option>Vegan veggie pizza</option>
                            <div class="rep buttons" id="replace-2">
                                <button id="to-yes">Transfer to "Yes" --></button>
                                <button id="to-no"><-- Transfer to "No"</button>
                            <div  class="rep" id="replace-3">
                                <label for="yes">Yes please!</label>
                                <select id="yes" multiple size="10"></select>
                        main {display: flex;}
                        div .rep{ margin-right: 1vw;}
                        label, button {display: block;}
                        .buttons { display: flex; flex-flow: column;justify-content: center; }
                        select {width: 13vw; }
                        const noSelect = document.getElementById("no");
                        const yesSelect = document.getElementById("yes");
                        const noBtn = document.getElementById("to-no");
                        const yesBtn = document.getElementById("to-yes");
                        yesBtn.addEventListener("click", () => {
                            const selectedTransferOptions =
                                document.querySelectorAll("#no option:checked");
                            const existingYesOptions = document.querySelectorAll("#yes option");
                            yesSelect.replaceChildren(...selectedTransferOptions, ...existingYesOptions);
                        noBtn.addEventListener("click", () => {
                            const selectedTransferOptions = document.querySelectorAll(
                                "#yes option:checked"
                            const existingNoOptions = document.querySelectorAll("#no option");
                            noSelect.replaceChildren(...selectedTransferOptions, ...existingNoOptions);