linear search
binary search
<div class="grid1 spec"> <div> <p ><b>linear search</b></p> <p id="linear1"></p> <p id="linear2"></p> <p id="linear3"></p> <p id="linear4"></p> <p id="linear5"></p> </div> <div"> <p ><b>binary search</b></p> <p id="binary1"></p> <p id="binary2"></p> <p id="binary3"></p> <p id="binary4"></p> <p id="binary5"></p> </div> </div> <script> let linearSearch = (list, value) =>{ for(let aa = 0; aa<list.length; aa++){ if(list[aa] === value){ return aa; } } return -1; } var list = [12, 45, 48, 5, 451, 2, 34, 43, 54, 66] var value = 100; var value1 = 45; var value2 = 34; var value3 = 66; document.getElementById('linear1').innerHTML = "original list: " + list; document.getElementById('linear2').innerHTML = "position: " + linearSearch(list, value); document.getElementById('linear3').innerHTML = "position: " + linearSearch(list, value1); document.getElementById('linear4').innerHTML = "position: " + linearSearch(list, value2); document.getElementById('linear5').innerHTML = "position: " + linearSearch(list, value3); //sorted array mandatory!! let BinarySearch = (list2,val)=>{ let left = 0; let right = list2.length - 1; let mid = Math.floor((left + right) / 2); while (list2[mid] !== val && left <= right) { if (val < list2[mid]) { right = mid - 1 } else { left = mid + 1 } mid = Math.floor((left + right) / 2); } if (list2[mid] === val) { return mid; } else { return -1 } }; let list2 = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30] let val1 = 20; let val2 = 2; let val3 = 26; let val4 = 10; document.getElementById('binary1').innerHTML = "original list: " + list2; document.getElementById('binary2').innerHTML = "position: " + BinarySearch(list2, val1); //should return 9 document.getElementById('binary3').innerHTML = "position: " + BinarySearch(list2, val2); document.getElementById('binary4').innerHTML = "position: " + BinarySearch(list2, val3); document.getElementById('binary5').innerHTML = "position: " + BinarySearch(list2, val4); </script>
<div id="element"> <div id="element_content">element</div> </div> <script> let element = document.getElementById("element"); = "lightblue"; = "2vw"; = "1.2vw"; </script>
<div id="element2"> <div id="element-content2">Element2</div> </div> <script> let element2 = document.getElementById("element2") = "orange"; = "bold"; = "5vw"; = "italic"; </script>
a paragraph
second paragraph
third paragraph
fourth paragraph
<div class="spec"> <p class="exam">a paragraph</p> <p class="exam">second paragraph</p> <p class="exam2">third paragraph</p> <p class="exam2">fourth paragraph</p> </div> <script> let nodeList = document.querySelectorAll('.exam'); for (let i = 0; i < nodeList.length; i++){ nodeList[i].style.backgroundColor = "red"; } for (let i = 0; i < nodeList.length; i++){ nodeList[i].style.fontSize = "1.5vw"; } let nodeList2 = document.querySelectorAll('.exam2'); for (let i = 0; i < nodeList2.length; i++){ nodeList2[i].style.backgroundColor = "blue"; } for (let i = 0; i < nodeList2.length; i++){ nodeList2[i].style.fontSize = ".8vw"; } </script
<div> <div class="box">Box number 1</div> <div class="box">Box number 2</div> <div data-id="3">Box number 3</div> <div data-id="4">Box number 4</div> <div data-id="5">Box number 5</div> <div class="box2">Box number 6</div> <div class="box2">Box number 7</div> <div class="box2">Box number 8</div> </div> <script> // select by tag name const group1 = document.querySelectorAll(".box"); for (let j = 0; j < group1.length; j++){ group1[j].style.backgroundColor = "lightgreen"; } // // select by class name const group2 = document.querySelectorAll(".box2"); for (let k = 0; k < group2.length; k++){ group2[k].style.backgroundColor = "lightblue"; } // // select by attribute const group3 = document.querySelectorAll("[data-id]"); for (let l = 0; l < group3.length; l++){ group3[l].style.backgroundColor = "yellow"; } </script>
This is a p element.
This is a p element.
This is a p element.
This is a p element.
<div class="spec"> <p class="q">This is a p element.</p> <p class="q">This is a p element.</p> <p class="r">This is a p element.</p> <p class="r">This is a p element.</p> <div class="spec"> <a href="">my website</a><br><br> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br><br> <a href="" target="_top"></a> </div> </div> <style> a[target]{background-color: yellow;} </style> <script> document.querySelector(".q").style.backgroundColor = "red"; document.querySelector(".r").style.color = "yellow"; document.querySelector("a[target]").style.border = "0.2vw solid red"; </script>
This is the div p paragraph
div p class
Thist is p id
<div class="spec"> <h4 class="myClass">Class 4</h4> <p class="myClass"> Myclass</p> <div id="firstid"> <p> This is the div p paragraph</p> <p class="pclass"> div p class</p> </div> <p id="myid"> Thist is p id</p> <div class="spec" id="divid"> This is div id</div> </div> <script> var e=document.querySelector(".myClass"); = 'red'; = "2vw"; </script>
<div> <p id="item1"></p> </div> <script> function matchString() { var string = "Welcome to this website"; var result = string.match(/we/g); document.getElementById("item1").innerHTML = "Output : " + result; } matchString(); </script>
<div class="spec"> <ul id="birds"> <li>Orange-winged parrot</li> <li class="endangered">Philippine eagle</li> <li>Great white pelican</li> </ul> <p id="item2"></p> </div> <script> const birds = document.querySelectorAll('li'); for (const bird of birds) { if (bird.matches('.endangered')) { document.getElementById('item2').innerHTML = (`The ${bird.textContent} is endangered!`); } } </script>
<div> <p id="item3"></p> </div> <script> let text = "The rain in SPAIN stays mainly in the plain"; let results = text.match(/ain/gi); document.getElementById("item3").innerHTML = results; </script>
<div> <p id="item3"></p> </div> <script> let text = "The rain in SPAIN stays mainly in the plain"; let results = text.match(/ain/gi); document.getElementById("item3").innerHTML = results; </script>
<div class="spec"> <p id="mat1"></p> <p id="mat2"></p> </div> <script> const strA = "learning to code is learning to create and innovate"; // with g flag const regexp1 = /l((earn)ing)/g; const match1 = strA.match(regexp1); console.log(match1); // [ "learning", "learning" ] document.getElementById("mat1").innerHTML = JSON.stringify(match1); // removing g flag const regexp2 = /l((earn)ing)/; const match2 = strA.match(regexp2); console.log(match2, match2.index, match2.input); // [ "learning", "earn" ] document.getElementById("mat2").innerHTML = JSON.stringify(match2); </script>
<div class="spec"> <p id="mat3"></p> <p id="mat4"></p> </div> <script> const strB = "learning to code is learning to create and innovate"; const regexp3 = "(ea)(t)"; // not a regular expression const matches = strB.matchAll(regexp3); const matches3 = strB.matchAll(); // no regexp passed console.log(Array.from(matches)); document.getElementById("mat3").innerHTML = matches; console.log(Array.from(matches3)); document.getElementById("mat4").innerHTML = matches3; </script>
<div class="item44"> Grandparent <div class="item44 container">Parent <div id="item44" class="item44">The parent of this div element will be selected.</div> </div> </div> <style> .container, .item44{background-color: tomato;color: white;padding: 2vw;margin: 1vw;} </style> <script> const el = document.getElementById("item44"); const closest = el.closest(".container"); if (closest) { = "4px solid black"; } </script>
<div> <ul id="one" class="level-1"> <li class="top-1">Home</li> <li id="ii" class="top-2">Products <ul class="level-2"> <li class="category-1">Clothing</li> <li class="category-2">Electronics <ul class="level-3"> <li class="product-1">Camera</li> <li class="product-2">Computer</li> <li class="product-3">Phone</li> </ul> </li> <li class="category-3">Kitchen</li> </ul> </li> <li class="top-3">About</li> </ul> </div> <script> const m = document.querySelector("li.category-1"); = 'red'; const close1 = m.closest("ul"); = 'yellow'; const close2 = m.closest("li"); = 'green'; </script>
Some outer text
Some outer text
Some div1 text
Some div1 text
Some div1 text
Some div2 text
Some div2 text
Some outer text
Some outer text
<div class="item5 spec" style="width: 35vw; margin: 0 auto;"> <p>Some outer text</p> <p>Some outer text</p> <div id="div1" style="border: solid blue 3px"> <p>Some div1 text</p> <p>Some div1 text</p> <p>Some div1 text</p> <div id="div2" style="border: solid red 3px"> <p>Some div2 text</p> <p>Some div2 text</p> </div> </div> <p>Some outer text</p> <p>Some outer text</p> <button onclick="getAllParaElems();">Show all p elements in document</button> <p id="item6"></p> <button onclick="div1ParaElems();">Show all p elements in div1 element</button><br/> <p id="item7"></p> <button onclick="div2ParaElems();">Show all p elements in div2 element</button> <p id="item8"></p> </div> <script> function getAllParaElems() { const allParas = document.getElementsByTagName("p"); const num = allParas.length; document.getElementById("item6").innerHTML = (`There are ${num} paragraph in this document`); } function div1ParaElems() { const div1 = document.getElementById("div1"); const div1Paras = div1.getElementsByTagName("p"); const num = div1Paras.length; document.getElementById("item7").innerHTML = (`There are ${num} paragraph in #div1`); } function div2ParaElems() { const div2 = document.getElementById("div2"); const div2Paras = div2.getElementsByTagName("p"); const num = div2Paras.length; document.getElementById("item8").innerHTML = (`There are ${num} paragraph in #div2`); } </script>
A p element with class="example".
A span element with class="example".
<div> <div class="item10">A div with class="example"</div><br> <div class="item10">A div with class="example"</div> <p class="item10">A p element with class="example".</p> <p>A <span class="item10">span</span> element with class="example".</p> </div> <script> const collection = document.getElementsByClassName("item10"); for (let n = 0; n < collection.length; n++) { collection[n].style.backgroundColor = "lightblue"; collection[n].style.fontSize = "2vw"; collection[n].style.fontStyle = "italic"; } </script>
hello world 1
hello world 2
hello world 3
hello world 4
<div> <div id="parent-id"> <p>hello world 1</p> <p class="test">hello world 2</p> <p>hello world 3</p> <p>hello world 4</p> </div> <p id="item11"></p> <p id="item12"></p> </div> <script> const parentDOM = document.getElementById("parent-id"); const test = parentDOM.getElementsByClassName("test"); // a list of matching elements, *not* the element itself console.log(test); // HTMLCollection[1] item11.innerText = test; const testTarget = parentDOM.getElementsByClassName("test")[0]; // the first element, as we wanted console.log(testTarget); // <p class="test">hello world 2</p> document.getElementById("item12").innerHTML = testTarget; </script>
<div class="spec"> <span class="orange fruit">Orange Fruit</span><br> <span class="orange juice">Orange Juice</span><br/> <span class="apple juice">Apple Juice</span><br/> <span class="foo bar">Something Random</span><br/> <textarea id="resultArea" style="width:90%;height:7vw"></textarea> </div> <script> // getElementsByClassName only selects elements that have both given classes const allOrangeJuiceByClass = document.getElementsByClassName('orange juice'); let result = "document.getElementsByClassName('orange juice')"; for (let q = 0; q < allOrangeJuiceByClass.length; q++) { result += `\n ${allOrangeJuiceByClass[q].textContent}`; } // querySelector only selects full complete matches const allOrangeJuiceQuery = document.querySelectorAll('.orange.juice'); result += "\n\ndocument.querySelectorAll('.orange.juice')"; for (let r = 0; r < allOrangeJuiceQuery.length; r++) { result += `\n ${allOrangeJuiceQuery[r].textContent}`; } document.getElementById("resultArea").value = result; </script>
This is a paragraph.
This is another paragraph.
This is still another paragraph.
<div> <div class="example">Element1</div><br> <div class="example">Element2</div><br> <div class="example2"><p>This is a paragraph.</p></div><br> <div class="example2 color"><p>This is another paragraph.</p></div><br> <div class="example2 color"><p>This is still another paragraph.</p></div> </div> <style> div.example2{border: 0.1vw solid black; padding:0.1vw;} </style> <script> const collectionA = document.getElementsByClassName("example"); collectionA[0].innerHTML = "Hello World!"; const collectionB = document.getElementsByClassName("example2 color"); collectionB[0].style.backgroundColor = "red"; collectionB[1].style.backgroundColor = "lightblue"; </script>
Please rate the service:
<div class="spec"> <p>Please rate the service:</p> <p> <label for="very-poor"> <input type="radio" name="rate" value="Very poor" id="very-poor"> Very poor </label> <label for="poor"> <input type="radio" name="rate" value="Poor" id="poor"> Poor </label> <label for="ok"> <input type="radio" name="rate" value="OK" id="ok"> OK </label> <label for="good"> <input type="radio" name="rate" value="Good"> Good </label> <label for="very-good"> <input type="radio" name="rate" value="Very Good" id="very-good"> Very Good </label> </p> <p> <button id="btnRate">Submit</button> </p> <p id="output"></p> </div> <script> let btn = document.getElementById('btnRate'); let output = document.getElementById('output'); btn.addEventListener('click', () => { let rates = document.getElementsByName('rate'); rates.forEach((rate) => { if (rate.checked) { output.innerText = `You selected: ${rate.value}`; } }); }); </script>
<div> <p id="in1"></p> <p id="in2"></p> <p id="in3"></p> <p id="in4"></p> <p id="in5"></p> </div> <script> const array1 = [1, 2, 3]; document.getElementById("in1").innerHTML = "array : " + array1; document.getElementById("in2").innerHTML = (array1.includes(2)); const pets = ['cat', 'dog', 'bat']; in3.innerText = "pets : " + pets; document.getElementById("in4").innerHTML = pets.includes("cat"); document.getElementById("in5").innerHTML = pets.includes("at"); </script>
<div class="spec"> <p id="in6"></p> <p id="in7"></p> </div> <script> const array = [10, 11, 3, 20, 5]; const includesTwenty = array.includes(20); document.getElementById("in6").innerHTML = "array includes 20: " + includesTwenty; const includesTenTwice = array.includes(10, 1); document.getElementById("in7").innerHTML = "array includes 10 twice: " + includesTenTwice; </script>
The search() method matches a string against a regular expression. It returns the index (position) of the first match. It returns -1 if no match is found. This method is case sensitive.
<div class="spec"> <p id="search"></p> <p id="search1"></p> <p id="search2"></p> <p id="search3"></p> <p id="search4"></p> </div> <script> let text_a = "Mr. Blue has a blue house" let position ="Blue"); document.getElementById("search").innerHTML = "position of 'Blue': " + position; let position1 ="blue"); document.getElementById("search1").innerHTML = "position of 'blue': " + position1; let position2 =; document.getElementById("search2").innerHTML = "position of '/Blue/': " + position2; let position3 =; document.getElementById("search3").innerHTML = "position of '/blue/': " + position3; let position4 =; document.getElementById("search4").innerHTML = "position of '/blue/i': " + position4; </script>
<div class="spec"> <p id="search5"></p> <p id="search6"></p> <p id="search7"></p> </div> <script> let sentence= "I love JavaScript."; // pattern that searches the first occurence of an uppercase character let regExp = /[A-Z]/; // searching for a match between regExp and given string let indexReg =; document.getElementById("search5").innerHTML = indexReg; // output: 0 let string1 = "JavaScript JavaScript1"; // pattern having 'JavaScript' followed by a digit let regExp1 = /(JavaScript)\d/; // searching for a match between regExp and given string let index =; document.getElementById("search6").innerHTML = index; // output: 11 let string2 = "I love to code in JavaScript."; // searching word "JavaScript" in the given string let index2 ="code"); document.getElementById("search7").innerHTML = index2; // output: 10 </script>
The startsWith() method checks if a string begins with a specified string
The endsWith() method checks if a string ends with a specified string