JS - show and hide



different techniques to toggle HTML elements different techniques to move/hide/show HTML elements different techniques to toggle CSS properties how objects can disappear from your screen remove HTML elements, add items and attributes

different techniques to toggle HTML elements


examples: toggle HTML elements

demo 1 - change display

demo 2 - change visibiliy

demo 3 - change opacity

demo 4 - change width and height (not recommended)

demo 5 - put out of screen
                    <div id="demo1" class="spec">demo 1 - change display</div>
                        <button onclick="toggle('demo1', 'hide1')">change display</button>
                    <div id="demo2" class="spec">demo 2 - change visibiliy</div>
                        <button onclick="toggle('demo2', 'hide2')">change visibility</button>
                    <div id="demo3" class="spec">demo 3 - change opacity</div>
                        <button onclick="toggle('demo3', 'hide3')">change opacity</button>
                    <div id="demo4" class="spec">demo 4 - change width and height 
                    (not recommended)</div>
                        <button onclick="toggle('demo4', 'hide4')">change width/height</button>
                    <div id="demo5" class="spec">demo 5 - put out of screen</div>
                        <button onclick="toggle('demo5', 'hide5')">out of screen</button>
                    .hide1{display: none;}
                    .hide2{visibility: hidden;}
                    .hide3{opacity: 0;}
                    .hide4{width: 0; height: 0; font-size: 1px;}
                    .hide5{position: fixed; left: -100vw;}
                    button{margin-left: 3vw; width: 10vw; background-color:darkolivegreen; 
                        color:darkorange; font-size: 1vw;}
                    function toggle (target, cclass) {

different techniques to move/hide/show HTML elements


hide and show HTML elements

example: move/hide/show HTML elements

Click the button and I will disappear. Click again and I will re-appear!!

On clicking the button you will see me sliding in and sliding out.

                    <div id="fadetext">Click the button and I will disappear. Click again and I will re-appear!!</div>
                    <input type="button" value="fading" onclick="togglevis()"/><br><br>
                        function togglevis () {
                    <div id="slidetext">On clicking the button you will see me sliding in and 
                    sliding out.</div>
                    <input type="button" value="sliding" onclick="sliding()"/><br>
                        function sliding() {
                    input[type=button]{margin-left: 3vw; width:10vw; background-color:darkolivegreen; 
                        color:darkorange; font-size: 1vw;}
                    #fadetext {transition: all 1s; height: auto; opacity: 1;}
                    #fadetext.hide {opacity: 0;height: 0; /* Optional */  visibility: hidden;}
                    #slidetext {background: #473736; width:30vw; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #b52110; 
                        color: #fff;font-weight: bold;position: relative; left: -999px; transition: all 0.5s; visibility: hidden;}
                    #slidetext.show {left: 0.5vw; visibility: visible;}

hide HTML elements

example: hide HTML elements

Click on button to hide the element by class name

Child 1
Child 1
Child 2
Child 2

                    <p style="margin-left:3vw;">Click on button to hide the element by class name</p> 
                    <div class="outer"> 
                        <div class="child1">Child 1</div> 
                        <div class="child1">Child 1</div> 
                        <div class="child2">Child 2</div> 
                        <div class="child2">Child 2</div> 
                    </div> <br> 
                    <button style="margin-left:3vw;" onClick="hide()">click here</button> 
                    <p style="margin-left:3vw;" id="DOWN"></p>
                    var down = document.getElementById('DOWN'); 
                    function hide() { 
                        style.visibility = 'hidden'; 
                        down.innerHTML = "Element is hidden"; 

add HTLM items

example: add HTML elements

  1. list item 1
                    <form action="#"> 
                        <label for="type">Add element type</label> 
                        <input type="text" id="type" placeholder="Like: div, h1, li...." value="li" /> 
                        <br /><br /> 
                        <label for="value">Add element value</label> 
                        <input type="text" id="value" placeholder="Like: Hello guys" value="child 2" /> 
                        <br /><br /> 
                        <button type="button" onClick="addItem()">Add</button> 
                    <ol id="parent"><li>list item 1</li></ol>
                    form{margin-left: 3vw;}
                    button{width: 10vw; background-color:darkolivegreen; color:darkorange; font-size: 1vw; cursor: pointer;}
                    function addItem() { 
                        let type = document.getElementById("type").value; 
                        let value = document.getElementById("value").value; 
                        type = document.createElement(type); 

different techniques to toggle CSS properties


example: toggle CSS properties

CSS properties can also be hidden and shown.

JavaScript will make this text disappear when you click the button

Two buttons to manipulate this small text

                    <div id="testblock">CSS properties can also be hidden and shown.</div>
                    <input type="button" value="change CSS" onclick="toggleCSS()"/><br><br>
                        function toggleCSS() {
                            var block = document.getElementById("testblock");
                            if (block.style.display=="") {
                                block.style.display = "none";
                            } else {
                                block.style.display = "";
                    <input type="button" onclick="document.getElementById('hide').style.display='none'"
                    value="hide me"><br><br>
                        <p id="hide">JavaScript will make this text disappear when you click the button</p>
                    <input type="button"onclick="document.getElementById('show').style.display='block'"
                    value="show me"> <br><br>
                        <p id="show" style="display:none">JavaScript can show hidden HTML elements</p>
                    <button type = "button" onclick = "displayHide()">hide</button>
                    <button type = "button" onclick = "displayShow()">show</button>
                    <p id = "pid">Two buttons to manipulate this small text</p>
                        function displayHide() {
                            document.getElementById("pid").style.visibility = "hidden";
                        function displayShow() {
                            document.getElementById("pid").style.visibility = "visible";
                    #hide, #show, #pid{margin-left: 3vw;}
                    #boxtog:checked ~ div#texttog {display: none;}

how objects can disappear from your screen


example: how objects disappear

click the objects

                <p class="click_objects">click the objects</p><br>
                <div class="objects">
                    <div class="circle" id="circle"></div> <br>
                    <div class="rounded" id="rounded"></div> <br>
                    <div class="square" id="square"></div> <br>
                <button type="button" onclick="reset()" value="reset">reset</button>
                .click_objects{display: block; padding: 1vw; color:darkgreen; font-size:1.3vw; background-color: skyblue;}
                .objects{display: flex; flex-flow: row nowrap; justify-content: space-around;}
                .circle { width: 120px; height: 130px; border-radius: 50%; float: left; margin-right: 50px; } 
                .rounded {width: 120px; height: 130px; border-radius: 25%; float: left; margin-right: 50px; } 
                .square {width: 120px; height: 130px; border-radius: 0%; float: left; margin-right: 50px; } 
                #circle {background-color: #196F3D; }
                #rounded {background-color: #5DADE2;}
                #square {background-color: #58D68D;} 
            <script type="text/javascript"> 
                document.getElementById("circle").onclick = function() { 
                    document.getElementById("circle").style.display = "none"; 
                document.getElementById("rounded").onclick = function() { 
                    document.getElementById("rounded").style.display = "none"; 
                document.getElementById("square").onclick = function() { 
                    document.getElementById("square").style.display = "none"; 

                function reset() {
                document.getElementById("circle").style.display = "flex";
                document.getElementById("rounded").style.display = "flex";
                document.getElementById("square").style.display = "flex";

remove HTML elements, add items and attributes


remove HTML elements

example: remove HTML elements

                <select id="mySelect">
                <input type="button" onclick="removeOption()" value="remove option"/>
                <p id="result"></p>
                function removeOption(){
                    var select =document.getElementById("mySelect")
                    document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = " the option is removed"

example: remove HTML elements

This is the targeted div box.

                <p id="target1"></p> 
                <div id="target-div">This is the targeted div box.</div> 
                <button style="margin-left:2vw;" onClick="remove()">remove</button> 
                <p id="down" style="text-align:left;font-size: 1vw;"></p> 
                #target1{display:inline; text-align:left; font-size: 1vw; color:black;}
                #target-div{background: green; height: 3vw; width: 15vw; margin: 0 1vw; color: white; text-align: center;}
                #down{margin-left: 1vw;} 
                var up = document.getElementById('target1'); 
                var down = document.getElementById('down'); 
                var div = document.getElementById('target-div'); 
                up.innerHTML = "Click on button to remove the element."; 
                function remove() { 
                    down.innerHTML = "Element is removed.";  

example: remove HTML elements

outerHTML: the first layer of this example

                <h4 id="up11">outerHTML: the first layer of this example</h4> 
                <button style="margin-left: 3vw;" onclick="myClicking()">click to change</button> 
                #up11{margin-left: 1vw;}
                function myClicking() { 
                    let x = document.getElementById('up11');
                    x.outerHTML = "<h4>outerHTML: NOTE: the second layer of this example</h4>"; 

add items and attributes (see results at the end of this document)


example: add items and attributes

child 1

                <form action="#"> 
                    <label for="type2">Add element type</label> 
                    <input type="text" id="type2" placeholder="Like: div, h1, li...." value="h3"/> 
                    <br /><br /> 
                    <label for="value2">Add element value</label> 
                    <input type="text" id="value2" placeholder="Like: Hello guys" value="Hi there"/> 
                    <br /><br /> 
                <label for="attr" style="font-weight:bold; color:blue">Add attributes:</label><br><br> 
                <form id="attr"> 
                    <label for="attrType">Add attribute type</label> 
                    <input type="text" style="width:10vw;" placeholder="forexample: enter 'class' without quotes"
                        id="attrType" value="class"/> 
                    <label for="attrValue">Add attribute value</label> 
                    <input style="width:10vw;" type="text" placeholder="for example: enter 'child' without quotes"
                        id="attrValue" value="child" />  <br /><br /> 
                    <button type="button" onClick="addAttribute()">Add</button> 
                <div><p>child 1</p></div>
                function addAttribute() { 
                    let parent = document.getElementById("body"); 
                    let attrType = document.getElementById("attrType"); 
                    let attrValue = document.getElementById("attrValue"); 
                    let type2 = document.getElementById("type2"); 
                    let value2 = document.getElementById("value2"); 
                    if (type2.value == "" || value2.value == "") { 
                        window.alert("There is an error in form input"); 
                    type2 = document.createElement(type2.value); 
                    type2.appendChild( document.createTextNode(value2.value)); 
                    if (attrValue.value == "" || attrType.value == "") { 
                        attr = null; 
                    else { 
                        type.setAttribute(attrType.value, attrValue.value); 