JavaScript - tutorial - 04 - conversions



type conversions "typeof" operator the "constructor" property string conversions numeric conversions boolean conversions Conversions examples

type conversions


In JavaScript there are 5 different data types that can contain values (string, number, boolean, object, and function.), 6 types of objects (object, date, array, string, number, and boolean), and 2 data types that cannot contain values (null and undefined).


                    <div class="spec">
                        <a id="id1"></a><br><br>      
                        <a id="id2"></a><br><br>     
                        <a id="id3"></a><br><br>     
                        <a id="id4"></a><br><br>     
                        <a id="id5"></a><br><br>     
                        <a id="id6"></a><br><br>     
                        <a id="id7"></a><br><br>     
                        <a id="id8"></a><br>      
                        let score = '100';
                        score = Number(score);
                        document.getElementById('id1').innerHTML = "number: " + (score + 1);
                        document.getElementById('id2').innerHTML = "typeof number: " + (typeof score);
                        let result1 = Number('hello');
                        let result2 = String(50);
                        let result3 = Boolean(100);
                        let result4 = Boolean(0);
                        let result5 = Boolean('0');
                        let result6 = Boolean('');
                        document.getElementById('id3').innerHTML = "typeof number converted into string: " + (result1, typeof result1);
                        document.getElementById('id4').innerHTML = "typeof string: " + (result2, typeof result2);
                        document.getElementById('id5').innerHTML = "typeof Boolean: " + (result3, typeof result3);
                        document.getElementById('id6').innerHTML = "typeof Boolean: " + (result4, typeof result4);
                        document.getElementById('id7').innerHTML = "typeof Boolean: " + (result5, typeof result5);
                        document.getElementById('id8').innerHTML = "typeof Boolean: " + (result6, typeof result6);

JavaScript variables can be converted to a new variable and another data type: 1/ by using a JavaScript function, and 2/ automatically by JavaScript itself.

"typeof" operator


The "typeof" operator can be used to find the data type of a JavaScript variable.

Note that:

The data type of NaN is number

The data type of an array is object

The data type of a date is object

The data type of null is object

The data type of an undefined variable is undefined

The data type of a variable that has not been assigned a value is also undefined

the "constructor" property


The "constructor" property returns the constructor function for all JavaScript variables.


                    <div class="spec">
                        <a id="id9"></a>      
                        document.getElementById("id9").innerHTML = 
                        "john".constructor + " ," +'<br>' +
                        (3.14).constructor + " ," +'<br>' +
                        false.constructor + " ," +'<br>'  +
                        [1,2,3,4].constructor + ' ,' + "<br>" +
                        {name:'john', age:34}.constructor + " ," +'<br>' +
                        new Date().constructor + " ," + '<br>' +
                        function () {}.constructor;

You can check the constructor property to find out if an object is an Array (contains the word "Array").

This "home made" isArray() function returns true when used on an array.


                    <div class="spec">
                        <a id="id10"></a>
                        var fruits = ["Banana", "Orange", "Apple", "Mango"];
                        document.getElementById("id10").innerHTML = isArray(fruits);
                        function isArray(myArray) {
                            return myArray.constructor.toString().indexOf("Array") > -1;

Or even simpler, you can check if the object is an Array function.


                    <div class="spec">
                        <a id="id11"></a>      
                        var fruits = ["Banana", "Orange", "Apple", "Mango"];
                        document.getElementById("id11").innerHTML = isArray(fruits);
                        function isArray(myArray) {
                            return myArray.constructor === Array;

string conversions


The global method String() can convert numbers to strings. It can be used on any type of numbers, literals, variables, or expressions.

The conversion to string is usually obvious for primitive values.


                    <div class="spec">
                        <a id="id12"></a><br>    
                        <a id="id13"></a><br>  
                        <a id="id14"></a><br>  
                        var x = 123;
                        document.getElementById("id12").innerHTML = "conversions to string: " + 
                        String(x) + " , " +
                        String(123) + " , " +
                        String(100 + 23);
                        let value = true;
                        document.getElementById('id13').innerHTML = "type of value: " + (typeof value);
                        let value1 = String(value);
                        document.getElementById('id14').innerHTML = "type of value: " + (typeof value1);

The Number method toString() does the same.


                    <div class="spec">
                        <a id="id15"></a>    
                        var x = 123;
                        document.getElementById("id15").innerHTML = "conversion to string: " +
                            x.toString() + " , " +
                            (123).toString() + " , " +
                            (100 + 23).toString();

The global method String() can convert booleans to strings. The Boolean method toString() does the same.

The global method String() can convert dates to strings. The Date method toString() does the same.

numeric conversions


Numeric conversions occur in math operations and can also be performed with Number(value).

The global method Number() can convert strings to numbers. Strings containing numbers (like "3.14") convert to numbers (like 3.14). Empty strings (like "")convert to 0. Anything else converts to NaN (Not a Number).


                        <p id="id16"></p>
                        document.getElementById("id16").innerHTML =
                        Number("3.14") + "<br>" +
                        Number(Math.PI) + "<br>" +
                        Number("    ") + "<br>" +
                        Number("") + "<br>" +
                        Number("99 88") + "<br>" +
                        Number("John") + "<br>";

The global method Number() can also convert booleans to numbers and can be used to convert dates to numbers.


                    <div class="spec">
                        <a id="id17"></a><br>
                        <a id="id18"></a><br>
                        <a id="id19"></a><br>
                        <a id="id20"></a><br>
                        <a id="id21"></a><br>
                        <a id="id22"></a><br>
                        <a id="id23"></a><br>
                        <a id="id24"></a>     
                        document.getElementById('id17').innerHTML = "converting strings to numbers: " + ( "6" / "2" );
                        let str = '123';
                        document.getElementById('id18').innerHTML = "string - type of: " + (typeof str);
                        let num = Number(str);
                        document.getElementById('id19').innerHTML = "string to number - type of: " + (typeof num);
                        let age = Number('an arbitrary number instead of a number');
                        document.getElementById('id20').innerHTML =  "string :" + age;
                        document.getElementById('id21').innerHTML = "string to number: " + (Number("123"));
                        document.getElementById('id22').innerHTML = "string to number: " + (Number("125z"));
                        document.getElementById('id23').innerHTML = "boolean: " + (true);
                        document.getElementById('id24').innerHTML = "boolean: " + (false);

You can convert a string to a number by writing a + operator before the string.


                    const num1 = parseInt("100");
                    const num2 =  parseFloat("100.01");
                    let total = parseInt('45');   
                    let average = parseFloat('421.6'); 


                    const num1 = +"100"; // converts to int data type
                    const num2 =  +"100.01"; // converts to float data type
                    let total = +'45';   
                    let average = +'421.6';

boolean conversions


Occurs in logical operations and can be performed with Boolean(value).


                    <div class="spec">
                        <a id="id25"></a><br>
                        <a id="id26"></a><br>
                        <a id="id27"></a><br>
                        <a id="id28"></a><br>
                        <a id="id29"></a><br>
                        <a id="id30"></a>      
                        document.getElementById('id25').innerHTML = "Boolean - 1 : " + (Boolean(1));
                        document.getElementById('id26').innerHTML = "Boolean - 0 : " + (Boolean(0));
                        document.getElementById('id27').innerHTML = "Boolean - string : " + (Boolean('hello'));
                        document.getElementById('id28').innerHTML = "Boolean - empty string : " + (Boolean(''));
                        document.getElementById('id29').innerHTML = "Boolean - string number : " + (Boolean("0"));
                        document.getElementById('id30').innerHTML = "Boolean - empty string: " + (Boolean(" "));

Conversions examples

top - examples


string conversion:
                    let value = true;
                    alert(typeof value); // boolean
                    value = String(value); // now value is a string "true"
                    alert(typeof value); // string
numeric conversion:
                    alert( "6" / "2" ); // 3, strings are converted to numbers
                    let str = "123";
                    alert(typeof str); // string
                    let num = Number(str); // becomes a number 123
                    alert(typeof num); // number

                    let age = Number("an arbitrary string instead of a number");
                    alert(age); // NaN, conversion failed

                    alert( Number("   123   ") ); // 123
                    alert( Number("123z") ); // NaN (error reading a number at "z")
                    alert( Number(true) );   // 1
                    alert( Number(false) );  // 0
boolean conversion:
                    alert( Boolean(1) ); // true
                    alert( Boolean(0) ); // false

                    alert( Boolean("hello") ); // true
                    alert( Boolean("") ); // false
                    alert( Boolean("0") ); // true
                    alert( Boolean(" ") ); // spaces, also true (any non-empty string is true)
                    // output
                    // using object as a property key
                    anotherObj[obj] = 123;

                    // explicit conversion
                    let num = Number(obj);
                    // maths (except binary plus)
                    let n = +obj; // unary plus
                    let delta = date1 - date2;
                    // less/greater comparison
                    let greater = user1 > user2;
                    // binary plus uses the "default" hint
                    let total = obj1 + obj2;
                    // obj == number uses the "default" hint
                    if (user == 1) { ... };
                    obj[Symbol.toPrimitive] = function(hint) {
                        // here goes the code to convert this object to a primitive
                        // it must return a primitive value
                        // hint = one of "string", "number", "default"

                    let user = {
                        name: "John",
                        money: 1000,
                        [Symbol.toPrimitive](hint) {
                        alert(`hint: ${hint}`);
                            return hint == "string" ? `{name: "${}"}` :;
                    // conversions demo:
                    alert(user); // hint: string -> {name: "John"}
                    alert(+user); // hint: number -> 1000
                    alert(user + 500); // hint: default -> 1500
                    let user = {name: "John"};
                    alert(user); // [object Object]
                    alert(user.valueOf() === user); // true

                    let user = {
                        name: "John",
                        money: 1000,
                        // for hint="string"
                        toString() {
                        return `{name: "${}"}`;
                        // for hint="number" or "default"
                        valueOf() {
                    alert(user); // toString -> {name: "John"}
                    alert(+user); // valueOf -> 1000
                    alert(user + 500); // valueOf -> 1500