JavaScript - tutorial - 18 - prototypes



JavaScript is a prototype based language Syntax JavaScript prototype changing and chaining Prototype examples

JavaScript is a prototype based language


Whenever we create a function using JavaScript, the JavaScript engine adds a prototype property inside that function. Prototype property is basically an object (also known as Prototype object), where we can attach "methods" and "properties", which enables all the other objects to inherit these methods and properties.


                        <p id="proto1"></p>
                        // constructor function
                        function People(){
                   = "Oscar";
                            this.age = 40;
                        console.log(People.prototype); // {...}
                        document.getElementById("proto1").innerHTML = (People.prototype);

All JavaScript objects inherit properties and methods from a prototype:

Date objects inherit from Date.prototype

Array objects inherit from Array.prototype

Person objects inherit from Person.prototype


                        <p id="proto2"></p>
                        <p id="proto3"></p>
                        <p id="proto4"></p>
                        // constructor function
                        function Person1 () {
                   = 'John',
                            this.age = 23
                        // creating objects
                        const person1 = new Person1();
                        const person2 = new Person1();
                        // adding property to constructor function
                        Person1.prototype.gender = 'male';
                        // prototype value of Person
                        document.getElementById("proto2"). innerHTML = (Person1.prototype);
                        // inheriting the property from prototype
                        document.getElementById("proto3"). innerHTML = person1.gender;
                        document.getElementById("proto4"). innerHTML = person2.gender;

The Object.prototype is on the top of the prototype inheritance chain: Date objects, Array objects, and Person objects inherit from Object.prototype.

Sometimes you want to add new properties (or methods) to all existing objects of a given type. Sometimes you want to add new properties (or methods) to an object constructor.

The JavaScript prototype property allows you to add new properties and new methods to object constructors.


                        <p id="proto5"></p><br>
                        // constructor function
                        function Person2 () {
                   = 'Oscar',
                            this.age = 33
                        // creating objects
                        const person3= new Person2();
                        const person4 = new Person2();
                        // adding a method to the constructor function
                        Person2.prototype.greet = function() {
                            console.log('hello' + ' ' +;
                            document.getElementById("proto5").innerHTML += ('hello' + ' ' + + "<br>");
                        person3.greet(); // hello Oscar
                        person4.greet(); // hello Oscar

!!! Only modify your own prototypes. Never modify the prototypes of standard JavaScript objects.



JavaScript provides different ways to set the prototype of an object ourselves. It is not recommended to assign a new object to the __proto__ property directly. It's not well supported by all browsers.

Object.create() ( static method ) will create a new object and set its prototype to the global object

Instead of reading an object's prototype via the "__proto__ property", "Object.getPrototypeOf" can also be used.
You can pass another object to "Object.create" to add specific instance properties to the object being created.

Syntax" Object.create(proto) or Object.create(proto, propertiesObject)


proto : the object which should be the prototype of the newly-created object.;
propertiesObject : optional; if specified and not undefined, an object whose enumerable own properties specify property descriptors to be added to the newly-created object, with the corresponding property names. These properties correspond to the second argument of Object.defineProperties().


                        <p id="proto6"></p>
                        const person = {
                            isHuman: false,
                            printIntroduction: function() {
                                console.log(`My name is ${}. Am I human? ${this.isHuman}`);
                                document.getElementById("proto6").innerHTML = (`My name is ${}. Am I human? ${this.isHuman}`);
                        const me = Object.create(person);
                   = 'Oscar'; // "name" is a property set on "me", but not on "person"
                            me.isHuman = true; // Inherited properties can be overwritten
                            // Expected output: "My name is Oscar. Am I human? true"

Use Constructor Functions.

Any function can be used as a constructor but by convention, constructor function names start with a capital letter.
To create an instance of a constructor function, you use the "new" keyword with the function invocation. When the "new" keyword is used, JavaScript assigns the keyword "this" implicitly to the new object being created. So we can use "this" to refer to the object being created.


                        <p id="prop2"></p>
                        // Constructor function for Person objects
                        function Person3(first, last, age, eye) {
                            this.firstName = first;
                            this.lastName = last;
                            this.age = age;
                            this.eyeColor = eye;
                        const myFather1 = new Person3("Oscar", "Peeters", 50, "blue");
                        document.getElementById("proto7").innerHTML =  "My father is " + myFather1.age + "."; 

An object is tied to its prototype via an internal property that most browsers expose as "__proto__".

By default, every time a new instance of a built-in type (such as Array or Object) is created, these instances automatically have an instance of the global Object as their prototype.

An object can have two types of members: instance members a.k.a its own members, and prototype members. JavaScript provides ways by which we can differentiate both.

For example, the hasOwnProperty(fieldName) asks the JavaScript engine if "fieldName" is an instance member of the object in question.
The in operator in JavaScript checks for both the instance and prototype members.

JavaScript prototype changing and chaining


Changing a prototype

If a prototype value is changed, then all the new objects will have the changed property value. All the previously created objects will have the previous value.


                        <p id="proto8"></p>
                        <p id="proto9"></p>
                        <p id="proto10"></p>
                    // constructor function
                        function Person4() {
                   = 'Sylvia'
                    // add a property
                        Person4.prototype.age = 20;
                        // creating an object
                        const person5 = new Person4();
                        console.log(person5.age); // 20
                        document.getElementById("proto8").innerHTML = person5.age
                        // changing the property value of prototype
                        Person4.prototype = { age: 50 }
                        // creating new object
                        const person6 = new Person4();
                        console.log(person6.age); // 50
                        console.log(person5.age); // 20
                        document.getElementById("proto9").innerHTML = person6.age
                        document.getElementById("proto10").innerHTML = person5.age

JavaScript prototype chaining

If an object tries to access the same property that is in the constructor function and the prototype object, the object takes the property from the constructor function.


                        <p id="proto8"></p>
                        <p id="proto9"></p>
                        <p id="proto10"></p>
                    // constructor function
                        function Person4() {
                   = 'Sylvia'
                    // add a property
                        Person4.prototype.age = 20;
                        // creating an object
                        const person5 = new Person4();
                        console.log(person5.age); // 20
                        document.getElementById("proto8").innerHTML = person5.age
                        // changing the property value of prototype
                        Person4.prototype = { age: 50 }
                        // creating new object
                        const person6 = new Person4();
                        console.log(person6.age); // 50
                        console.log(person5.age); // 20
                        document.getElementById("proto9").innerHTML = person6.age
                        document.getElementById("proto10").innerHTML = person5.age

Prototype examples


some examples


                    <div class="spec">
                        <p id="alpha"></p>
                        <p id="beta"></p>
                        <p id="gamma"></p>
                        function Person(first, last, age, eye) {
                            this.firstName = first;
                            this.lastName = last;
                            this.age = age;
                            this.eyeColor = eye;
                        Person.prototype.nationality = "English";
               = function() {
                            return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName
                        const myFather = new Person("Albert", "Einstein", 50, "blue");
                        const myMother = new Person("Marie", "Currie", 45, "green");
                        document.getElementById("alpha").innerHTML = "My father is " + myFather.age + ". My mother is " + myMother.age; 
                        document.getElementById("beta").innerHTML = "My father is " +; 
                        document.getElementById("gamma").innerHTML = "The nationality of my father is " + myFather.nationality; 

                    <div class="spec">
                        <p id="delta"></p>            
                        function User(name, email) {
                   = name;
                   = email;
                            User.prototype.sayHello = function() {
                            document.getElementById("delta").innerHTML +=  `Hello everybody, my name is ${} <br>`;
                            let sarah = new User("Sarah", "[email protected]");
                            let lauren = new User("Lauren", "[email protected]");
         - examples

                    let obj = {};
                    alert( obj ); // "[object Object]" ?

                    let obj = {};
                    alert(obj.__proto__ === Object.prototype); // true
                    alert(obj.toString === obj.__proto__.toString); //true
                    alert(obj.toString === Object.prototype.toString); //true

other built-in prototypes:
                    let arr = [1, 2, 3];
                    // it inherits from Array.prototype?
                    alert( arr.__proto__ === Array.prototype ); // true
                    // then from Object.prototype?
                    alert( arr.__proto__.__proto__ === Object.prototype ); // true
                    // and null on the top.
                    alert( arr.__proto__.__proto__.__proto__ ); // null