hostname : required. Specifies a hostname (like "")
type : optional. Specifies the resource record type to search for. Can be one of the following: DNS_A, DNS_CNAME, DNS_HINFO,DNS_CAA, DNS_MX, DNS_NS, DNS_PTR, DNS_SOA, DNS_TXT, DNS_AAAA, DNS_SRV, DNS_NAPTR, DNS_A6, DNS_ALL, DNS_ANY (default)
authns : optional. Passed by reference and, if set, it will be populated with Resource Records for the Authoritative Name Servers
addtl : optional. Passed by reference and, if set, it will be populated with any Additional Records
: optional. A Boolean value. If set to TRUE, it queries only the requested type instead of looping type-by-type before getting the info stuff. Default is FALSE
header : required. Specifies the header string to send
replace : optional. Indicates whether the header should replace a previous similar header or add a new header of the same type. Default is TRUE (will replace). FALSE allows multiple headers of the same type
http_response_code : optional. Forces the HTTP response code to the specified value
It is important to notice that the header() function must be called before any actual output is sent!
// Date in the past
header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
header("Cache-Control: no-cache");
header("Pragma: no-cache");
headers_list() - returns a list of response headers to be sent to the browser.
headers_sent() - checks if/where headers have been sent.
Syntax: headers_sent(file,line)
Parameter values:
file : optional. If the file and line parameters are set, headers_sent() will put the PHP source file name and line number where output started in the file and line variables
line : optional. Specifies the line number where the output started
if (!headers_sent()) {
http_response_code() - sets or returns the HTTP response status code.
Syntax: http_response_code(code)
Parameter values:
code : optional. Specifies a response code (like 404)
inet_ntop() - converts a 32bit IPv4 or 128bit IPv6 address into a readable format.
Syntax: inet_ntop(address)
Parameter values:
address : required. Specifies a 32bit IPv4 or 128bit IPv6 address
ip2long() - converts an IPv4 address into a long integer.
Syntax: ip2long(address)
Parameter values:
address : required. Specifies a readable IP address
The following URLs are equivalent:,, and https://388968491/
$ip = gethostbyname("");
$out = "The following URLs are equivalent:<br>";
$out .= ", https://" . $ip . "/, and https://" . sprintf("%u", ip2long($ip)) . "/";
echo $out;
long2ip() - converts a long integer address into a string in IPv4 format.
Syntax: long2ip(address)
Parameter values:
address : required. Specifies a long integer that represents an IP address
openlog() - opens the connection of system logger.
Syntax: openlog(ident, option, facility)
Parameter values:
ident : required. Specifies a string ident that is added to each message
option : required. Specifies what logging options will be used when generating a log message. Can be one or more of the following options (separated with |): LOG_CONS, LOG_NDELAY, LOG_ODELAY, LOG_PERROR, LOG_PID
facility : required. Specifies what type of program is logging the message:LOG_AUTH, LOG_AUTHPRIV, LOG_CRON, LOG_DAEMON, LOG_KERN, LOG_LOCAL0...LOG_LOCAL7, LOG_LPR, LOG_MAIL, LOG_NEWS, LOG_SYSLOG, LOG_USER - (is the only valid log type for Windows OS), LOG_UUCP
hostname : required. Specifies a hostname (like ""). ssl:// or tls:// works over TCP/IP to connect to the remote host
port : optional. Specifies the port number. Use -1 for transports that do not use ports, like unix://
errno : optional. Specifies the system level error number
errstr : optional. Specifies the error message as a string
timeout : optional. Specifies the connection timeout (in seconds)
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Sat, 18 Jan 2025 05:12:01 GMT
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Connection: close
Vary: Accept-Encoding
cf-cache-status: DYNAMIC
Report-To: {"endpoints":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/report\/v4?s=TR4hBvfJaLlEKP2MZnmK5S56HFjlhsFpMT3KNQ8Bjq4lQ8m21A0J%2FDj9ZsnFvqm%2BSKj5%2F9%2FgHViK48OrKYILyT5GaXmB5AQgrhRFs7cHr6y2tq%2FbBtV%2BQYnjCp4x1DH38FOZGLpdH4FSfzuiz%2F8g"}],"group":"cf-nel","max_age":604800}
NEL: {"success_fraction":0,"report_to":"cf-nel","max_age":604800}
Server: cloudflare
CF-RAY: 903c16722f6c4612-DFW
alt-svc: h3=":443"; ma=86400
server-timing: cfL4;desc="?proto=TCP&rtt=2862&min_rtt=2862&rtt_var=1431&sent=1&recv=3&lost=0&retrans=0&sent_bytes=0&recv_bytes=61&delivery_rate=0&cwnd=249&unsent_bytes=0&cid=0000000000000000&ts=0&x=0"
a picture is worth a 1000 words
"A picture is worth a thousand words"
"Een beeld zegt meer dan duizend woorden"
is an English language adage meaning that complex and sometimes multiple ideas can be conveyed by a single "still image", which expresses its meaning or essence more effectively than a mere verbal description. Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen first said: "a thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." After his death in 1906 this quote was plagiarized and para-phrased into what we know now. What concerns this website, this means that the focus will be more on visuals and less on words.
is een Engelstalig adagium dat betekent dat complexe en soms meerdere ideeën kunnen worden overgebracht door één "stilstaand beeld", dat zijn betekenis of essentie effectiever uitdrukt dan een louter verbale beschrijving. De Noorse toneelschrijver Henrik Ibsen zei voor het eerst: "duizend woorden laten niet dezelfde diepe indruk achter als een enkele daad." Na zijn dood in 1906 werd dit citaat geplagieerd en verwoord in wat we nu weten. Wat betreft deze website, dit betekent dat de focus meer op beeld zal liggen en minder op woorden.
Fotografie is de kunst van het creëren van duurzame beelden door licht vast te leggen, hetzij elektronisch door middel van een beeldsensor, hetzij chemisch door middel van een lichtgevoelig materiaal zoals fotografische film. Veel gebieden van wetenschap, productie en bedrijfsleven gebruiken fotografie voor onderzoek, productontwikkeling en productpromotie, onder anderen. Het wordt ook meer direct gebruikt voor kunst-, film- en videoproductie, recreatieve doeleinden, hobby en massacommunicatie.
Het genereren van beelden door middel van kunstmatige intelligentie (AI) is een van de meest dramatische ontwikkelingen die de creatieve velden al enige tijd hebben gezien, en 2022 was het jaar dat het echt explodeerde. In een tijdsbestek van een paar maanden leek een nieuwe technologie uit het niets te verschijnen en razendsnel te evolueren, waardoor iedereen een beeld kon creëren van vrijwel alles wat ze maar wilden, alleen maar door onder andere een beschrijving te typen.
Photography is the art of creating durable images by recording light, either electronically by means of an image sensor, or chemically by means of a light-sensitive material such as photographic film. Many fields of science, manufacturing and business use photography for research, product development and product promotion, amongst others. It is also more directly used for art, film and video production, recreational purposes, hobby, and mass communication.
Artificial intelligence (AI) image generation is one of the most dramatic developments the creative fields have seen for some time, and 2022 was the year that it truly exploded. In a space of a few months, a new technology seemed to appear out of nowhere and evolve at lightning speed, allowing anyone to create an image of practically anything they want merely by typing a description.
Straatkunst heeft het stedelijke landschap getransformeerd tot een levendig tapijt van expressie en dialoog. Ooit beschouwd als een vorm van vandalisme, is het uitgegroeid tot een legitieme en krachtige kunstvorm, die diep resoneert met cultuur en identiteit. Graffiti, de vroege voorloper van straatkunst, heeft zijn sporen op stadsmuren geëtst als een daad van zichtbaarheid, een aanspraak op bestaan in een snel veranderende stedelijke realiteit. Deze visuele verklaringen varieerden van persoonlijke labels tot uitgebreide stukken, die het toneel vormden voor een stedelijke kunstrevolutie. De essentie van straatkunst ligt in het vermogen om met het publiek te praten zonder de barrières van traditionele kunstlocaties. Het nodigt voorbijgangers uit om te pauzeren en na te denken, zich bezig te houden met thema's van sociaal commentaar en een stem te geven aan de stemlozen. Deze kunst is vaak tijdelijk, verweert in de loop van de tijd of wordt bedekt met nieuwe verflagen, wat bijdraagt aan de vergankelijke schoonheid en directheid ervan.
Streetart has transformed the urban landscape into a vibrant tapestry of expression and dialogue. Once considered a form of vandalism, it has evolved into a legitimate and powerful art form, resonating deeply with culture and identity. Graffiti, the early precursor to streetart, etched its marks on city walls as an act of visibility, a claim to existence in a rapidly changing urban reality. These visual declarations ranged from personal taggings to elaborate pieces, setting the stage for an urban art revolution. The essence of street art lies in its ability to converse with the public without the barriers of traditional art venues. It invites passersby to pause and reflect, engaging with themes of social commentary and giving a voice to the voiceless. This art is often temporary, weathering over time or being covered by new layers of paint, adding to its transient beauty and immediacy.
value : optional. Specifies the value of the cookie
expire : optional. Specifies when the cookie expires. The value: time()+86400*30, will set the cookie to expire in 30 days. If this parameter is omitted or set to 0, the cookie will expire at the end of the session (when the browser closes). Default is 0
path : optional. Specifies the server path of the cookie. If set to "/", the cookie will be available within the entire domain. If set to "/php/", the cookie will only be available within the php directory and all sub-directories of php. The default value is the current directory that the cookie is being set in
domain : optional. Specifies the domain name of the cookie. To make the cookie available on all subdomains of, set domain to "". Setting it to will make the cookie only available in the www subdomain
secure : optional. Specifies whether or not the cookie should only be transmitted over a secure HTTPS connection. TRUE indicates that the cookie will only be set if a secure connection exists. Default is FALSE
httponly : optional. If set to TRUE the cookie will be accessible only through the HTTP protocol (the cookie will not be accessible by scripting languages). This setting can help to reduce identity theft through XSS attacks. Default is FALSE
$cookie_name = "user";
$cookie_value = "John Doe";
setcookie($cookie_name, $cookie_value, time() + (86400 * 30), "/"); // 86400 = 1 day
if(!isset($_COOKIE[$cookie_name])) {
echo "Cookie named '" . $cookie_name . "' is not set!";
} else {
echo "Cookie '" . $cookie_name . "' is set!<br>";
echo "Value is: " . $_COOKIE[$cookie_name];
setrawcookie() - defines a cookie (without URL encoding) to be sent along with the rest of the HTTP headers.
value : optional. Specifies the value of the cookie
expire : optional. Specifies when the cookie expires. The value: time()+86400*30, will set the cookie to expire in 30 days. If this parameter is omitted or set to 0, the cookie will expire at the end of the session (when the browser closes). Default is 0
path : optional. Specifies the server path of the cookie. If set to "/", the cookie will be available within the entire domain. If set to "/php/", the cookie will only be available within the php directory and all sub-directories of php. The default value is the current directory that the cookie is being set in
domain : optional. Specifies the domain name of the cookie. To make the cookie available on all subdomains of, set domain to "". Setting it to will make the cookie only available in the www subdomain
secure : optional. Specifies whether or not the cookie should only be transmitted over a secure HTTPS connection. TRUE indicates that the cookie will only be set if a secure connection exists. Default is FALSE
socket_get_status() - alias of stream_get_meta_data().
socket_set_blocking() - alias of stream_set_blocking().
socket_set_timeout() - alias of stream_set_timeout().
syslog() - generates a system log message.
Syntax: syslog(priority, message)
Parameter values:
priority : required. Specifies ... Can be one of the following options:LOG_EMERG, LOG_ALERT, LOG_CRIT, LOG_ERR, LOG_WARNING, LOG_NOTICE, LOG_INFO, LOG_DEBUG