The setcookie() function must appear BEFORE the <html> tag.
cookie named 'user'is not set!code: <div> <?php if(!isset($_COOKIE['$cookie_name'])){ echo "cookie named '" .$cookie_name."'is not set!"; } else{ echo "cookie named '".$cookie_name."' is set!<br>"; echo "value is: ".$_COOKIE['$cookie_name']; } ?> </div>
code: <div> <?php if(count($_COOKIE) > 0){ echo "cookes are enabled"; } else{ echo "cookies are disabled"; } ?> </div>
code: <div> <?php // Example // Setting a cookie setcookie("usertoken", "noice", time()+20*24*60*60); // 20 days = 20*24*60*60 seconds setcookie("usertoken", "", time()-3600) ?> </div>
The session_start() function must be the very first thing in your document, before any HTML tags.
session variables are
$_SESSION['favcolor'] = "green";
$_SESSION['favanimal'] = "dog";
echo "session variables are set.";
echo "<br><br>";
echo "favorite color is ".$_SESSION['favcolor'].".<br>";
echo "favorite animal is ".$_SESSION['favanimal'].".<br>";
code: <div> <?php session_unset(); session_destroy(); ?> </div>
PHP has a set of built-in functions for working with network connections and protocols. These functions allow to create server scripts that can interact with other servers and clients over the network, such as sending and receiving data, handling connections, and performing network-related tasks.
aliases: dns_check_record(),
bom12s01-in-f14.1e100.netcode: <div> <?php $domain=""; if(checkdnsrr($domain, "MX")){ echo 'passed'; } else{ echo 'failed'; } ?> <p>aliases: dns_check_record(), </p> <?php $ip = ""; echo gethostbyaddr($ip); echo "<br><br>"; if(getservbyname('http','tcp')!==FALSE){ echo "The http service is available"; }else{ echo "The http service is not available"; } ?>