images - map



image map - 1 image map - 2 image map - 3 image map - 4

image map - 1


Find the areas in the pictures by using the mouse (i.e. pointer turns to hand and title shows up when in an area.)

holiday rect1 rect2 circle man-beach sky
                    <p>Find the areas in the pictures by using the mouse (i.e. pointer turns to hand and title shows up when in an area.)</p>
                    <div class="flex_container">
                        <img src="../images/3.jpg" width="500" height="500" alt="holiday" usemap="#holidaymap">
                        <map name="holidaymap">
                            <area shape="rect" coords="34, 44, 104, 150" alt="rect1"  title="first" href="">
                            <area shape="rect" coords="190, 172, 333, 250" alt="rect2" title="second" href="">
                            <area shape="circle" coords="350, 400, 44" alt="circle" title="third" href="">
                        <img src="../images/5.jpg" alt="" usemap="#man-beach-map" /> 
                        <map name="man-beach-map" id="man-beach-map"> 
                            <area alt="man-beach" title="man-beach" href="" target="_blank" shape="circle" coords="237,500,80" /> 
                            <area alt="sky" title="sky" href="" target="_blank" shape="circle" coords="100,100,80" /> 
                    .flex_container{display: flex; flex-direction: row; padding: 0 1vw; justify-content:space-evenly; width: 90vw; height: 40vw; border: 1vw solid seagreen;}

image map - 2

HTML Map Perl tutor HTML tutor PHP tut
                    <div class="flex-container">   
                        <form name = "myform">
                            <input type = "text" name = "stage" size = "10" />
                        <img src = "../images/usemap.gif" alt = "HTML Map" usemap = "#tutor"/>
                        <map name = "tutor">
                            <area shape="poly" coords = "74,0,113,29,98,72,52,72,38,27" href = "" alt = "Perl tutor"  target = "_self" onMouseOver = "showTutor('perl')" 
                            onMouseOut = "showTutor('')"/>
                            <area shape = "rect" coords = "22,83,126,125" href = "" alt = "HTML tutor" target = "_self" onMouseOver = "showTutor('html')"  
                            onMouseOut = "showTutor('')"/>
                            <area shape = "circle" coords = "73,168,32" href = "" alt = "PHP tut" target = "_self" onMouseOver = "showTutor('php')"  
                            onMouseOut = "showTutor('')"/>
                            .flex_container_a{display: flex; flex-direction: row; padding: 1vw; justify-content:space-evenly; border: 1vw solid seagreen;}
                            .flex_container_a img, .flex_container_a input{border: 0.5vw double brown;}
                        .flex_container_a input{color: red;font-size: 2vw}
                        <script type = "text/javascript">
                            function showTutor(name) {
                                document.myform.stage.value = name

image map - 3

Seven Wonders of the World chichen Itza Christ on Corcovado Mountain great wall of china machu picchu al kanzneh taj mahal colosseum Rome

The seven wonders of the world

Solvay_Conference Einstein Schrödinger Pauli Curie Planck

Solvay Conference

                <div class="flex-container">
                    <img src="../images/seven_wonders.jpg" usemap="#imagemap" alt="Seven Wonders of the World" width="400"; height="auto"/> 
                    <map name="imagemap"> 
                        <area href="" shape="rect" coords="0,0,205,150" alt="chichen Itza" target="_blank"/> 
                        <area href="" shape="rect" coords="210,1,410,150" alt="Christ on Corcovado Mountain" target="_blank"/> 
                        <area href=""  shape="rect" coords="0,150,210,288" alt="great wall of china" target="_blank"/> 
                        <area href=""  shape="rect" coords="210,150,410,288" alt="machu picchu" target="_blank"/> 
                        <area href="" shape="rect" coords="0,290,210,440" alt="al kanzneh" target="_blank"/> 
                        <area href="" shape="rect" coords="210,290,405,435" alt="taj mahal"target="_blank"/> 
                        <area href="" shape="rect" coords="0,440,405,650" alt="colosseum Rome"target="_blank"/> 
                        <p>The seven wonders of the  world  </p>       

                    <img src="../images/Solvay_Conference.jpg" alt="Solvay_Conference" width="600" height="400" usemap="#biography" />
                    <map name="biography">
                        <area shape="rect" coords="350,130,310,190" href="" alt="Einstein" title="Einstein">
                        <area shape="rect" coords="320,50,360,100" href="" alt="Schrödinger" title="Schrödinger">
                        <area shape="rect" coords="420,50,450,100" href="" alt="Pauli" title="Pauli">
                        <area shape="rect" coords="160,120,200,190" href="" alt="Curie" title="Curie">
                        <area shape="rect" coords="40,120,80,190" href="" alt="Planck" title="Planck">
                        <p>Solvay Conference </p>
                    .flex_container_b{display: flex; flex-direction: row wrap; padding: 1vw; justify-content:space-evenly; border: 1vw solid seagreen;}
                    .flex_container_b img, .flex_container_b input{border: 0.5vw double brown;}
                    .flex_container_b input{color: red;font-size: 2vw}

image map - 4

headphones peripherals stationery
                    <img src="../images/desk.jpeg" usemap="#desk-items" />
                    <map name="desk-items">
                    <area alt="headphones" title="headphones" href="#headhphones" coords="120,364,116" shape="circle"/>
                    <area alt="peripherals" title="peripherals" href="#peripherals" coords="260,314,737,478" shape="rect"/>
                    <area alt="stationery" title="stationery" href="#stationery" coords="526,296,735,296,729,16,563,16,563,108,524,108" shape="poly"/>
                    <div class="popup" id="headhphones"> Splendid headphones!<a class="close" href="#">X</a></div>
                    <div class="popup" id="peripherals"> Fantastic peripherals: the keyboard and the mouse.<a class="close"href="#">X</a></div>
                    <div class="popup" id="stationery"> Indispensable tools: a notepad and a pen.<a class="close" href="#">X</a></div>
                    :root {--blue: #74bcdd; --dark-blue: #2d3e51; --red: #f74442; --yellow: #fbca32; --green: #5be95b;--grey: #ebeced;}
                    main { display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center;}
                    area { outline: 0.5vw solid var(--red);}
                    .popup {padding: 2vw; background-color: lightgreen; color: darkblue; font-weight: 100;font-size: 1.15vw; position: absolute;
                        opacity: 0; transform: scale(0); transition: opacity 300ms, transform 300ms;}
                    .popup:target { opacity: 1; transform: scale(1); }
                    .popup > .close { position: absolute; right: -1vw; top: -1vw; background-color: black; padding: 0.4vw 1vw;}