<div class="spec"> <img src="../images/1.jpg" id="foto-1" alt="holiday" width="30%" height="30%" title="holidays photo 1"/> <img id="foto-2" src="" alt=""> </div> <style> #foto-1{border: 0.2vw solid burlywood; border-radius: 10%; } #foto-1{filter: opacity(0.5); margin: 0 5vw;} </style> <script> const picture1 = document.querySelector("#foto-2"); picture1.src = "../images/2.jpg"; picture1.title = "holidays photo 2"; picture1.width = "400"; picture1.height = "280"; = "0.4" </script>
click the buttons to change some attributes
<div class="spec grid_A"> <img id="foto-3" src="../images/3.jpg" width="307" height="198"/> <div> <p>click the buttons to change some attributes</p> <button onclick="change()">change width and height</button><br> <button onclick="change_a()">change opacity and shape</button><br> <button onclick="change_b()">add inline style</button> </div> </div> <script> function change(){ document.getElementById("foto-3").width = "500"; document.getElementById("foto-3").height = "398"; } function change_a(){ document.getElementById("foto-3").style.opacity = "0.3"; document.getElementById("foto-3").style.borderRadius = "20%"; } function change_b(){ document.getElementById("foto-3").style.border = "0.5vw solid orange"; document.getElementById("foto-3").style.scale = "1.5"; } </script>
click the button to display the width and height of the image
<div class="spec grid_A"> <img id="foto-4" src="../images/4.jpg" alt="holidays" title="holidays photo 4" width="307" height="198" style="margin: 0 auto;"/> <div> <p>click the button to display the width and height of the image</p> <button onclick="showWidth()">show width and height</button> <p id="picture3"></p> <p id="picture3a"></p> </div> </div> <script> function showWidth(){ var x = document.getElementById("foto-4").width; var y = document.getElementById("foto-4").height; document.getElementById("picture3").innerHTML = "width: " + x + "px"; document.getElementById("picture3a").innerHTML = "height: " + y + "px"; } </script>
<div> <img class="foto-5" id="pic4" src="" alt=""> <img class="foto-5" id="pic5" src="" alt=""> <img class="foto-5" id="pic6" src="" alt=""> </div> <style> .foto-5{border: 0.3vw dashed blue; width: 15vw; height: 10vw; margin: 0 5vw;} </style> <script> const img = document.querySelectorAll(".foto-5"); img[0].src = "../images/1.jpg"; img[0].style.borderRadius = "20%"; img[1].src = "../images/2.jpg"; img[1].style.opacity = "0.3"; img[2].src = "../images/3.jpg"; img[2].style.height = "11vw"; </script>
<div> <img class="foto-6" id="pic7" src="" alt=""> <img class="foto-6" id="pic8" src="" alt=""> <img class="foto-6" id="pic9" src="" alt=""> </div> <style> .foto-6{width: 12vw; height: 10vw; margin: 0 5vw;} .img-rounded-border{border-radius:1vw;} </style> <script> const img1 = document.querySelectorAll(".foto-6"); img1[0].src = "../images/1.jpg"; img1[0].style.border = ".2vw dotted red"; img1[1].src = "../images/2.jpg"; img1[1].style.border = "0.3vw dashed blue"; img1[2].src = "../images/3.jpg"; img1[2].style.border = "0.3vw inset burlywood"; img1[0].classList.add("img-rounded-border"); img1[1].classList.add("img-rounded-border"); img1[2].classList.add("img-rounded-border"); </script>
<div> <div id="trial" style=" width: 10vw; height: 10vw;"></div> <p id="up" style="font-size: 1vw; font-weight: bold;"></p> <button onclick="getFun()">click here</button><br> <p id="down" style="color:green;font-size:1vw;font-weight:bold;"></p> </div> <script> var up = document.getElementById("up"); up.innerHTML = "click on the button to add an image element"; var down = document.getElementById("down"); function getFun(){ var img = document.createElement("img"); img.src = "../images/1.jpg"; document.getElementById("trial").appendChild(img); = "20vw"; = "10vw"; down.innerHTML = "image element added."; } </script>
<div> <div id="another_trial" style=" width: 10vw; height: 10vw;"></div> <p id="above" style="font-size: 1vw; font-weight: bold;"></p> <button onclick="makeFun()">click here</button><br> <p id="under" style="color:green;font-size:1vw;font-weight:bold;"></p> </div> <script> var above = document.getElementById("above"); above.innerHTML = "click on the button to add an image element"; var under = document.getElementById("under"); function makeFun(){ var img = new Image(); img.src = "../images/2.jpg"; document.getElementById("another_trial").appendChild(img); = "20vw"; = "10vw"; under.innerHTML = "image element added."; } </script>
<div> <img id="foto-7" src="" alt=""> </div> <style> .img-rounded-border{border: 0.3vw solid red; border-radius: 1vw;} </style> <script> var a = document.getElementById("foto-7"); a.src = "../images/4.jpg"; = "20vw"; = "10vw"; a.setAttribute("class", "img-rounded-border"); a.setAttribute("title" , "Huangpu river"); </script>
<div> <img class="foto-8" src=" " alt=" " title=" "/> </div> <style> #img-radius{ border-radius: 50% 40%;} </style> <script> const b = document.querySelector(".foto-8"); b.src = "../images/3.jpg"; = "25vw"; = "15vw"; b.setAttribute("id", "img-radius"); ="0.2vw dashed red" </script>
<div class="grid_A"> <div> <div id="one"> <div class="hover_img"> <a><img src="../images/meh.png"/>hover me<span><img src="../images/vangogh.jpg" height="100px"/></span></a> </div> </div> </div> <div>hover the pictures <div> <div class="zoomin submain a"><img src="../images/vangogh.jpg" title="vangogh-1" height="80px"/></div> <div class="zoomin submain b"><img src="../images/vangogh.jpg" title="vangogh-2" height="80px"/></div> <div class="zoomin submain c"><img src="../images/vangogh.jpg" title="vangogh-3" height="80px"/></div> </div> </div> <style> #one{height: 15vw;} .hover_img{ position:relative;} .hover_img a span{position: absolute; z-index:99; margin-top: 2vw;margin-left: 2vw;} .hover_img a:hover span{display:block; top: 50%; left: 50%; margin-top: 5vw; margin-left: 5vw;} #two{width: 100%;} .submain {width: 30%; float: left;} .zoomin img { width: 10vw; -webkit-transition: all 1s ease; -moz-transition: all 1s ease; -ms-transition: all 1s ease; transition: all 1s ease; } .a img:hover{ margin-left:5vw; margin-top:7vw;} .b img:hover{ margin-top:7vw;} .c img:hover{ margin-left:-7vw; margin-top:7vw;} </style>
<div id="menu"> <img id='menuImg' src="../images/vangogh.jpg" alt="vangogh" onmouseover="onHover();" onmouseout="offHover();" /> </div> <script> function onHover() { $('#menuImg').attr( 'src', '../images/smiley.png'); } function offHover() { $('#menuImg').attr( 'src', '../images/vangogh.jpg'); } </script>
<div> <img src="../images/vangogh.jpg" alt="" class="home"/> </div> <script> $(document).ready(function(){ $(".home").hover( function() {$(this).attr("src","../images/smiley.png");}, function() {$(this).attr("src","../images/vangogh.jpg");}); }); </script>
<div> <img src="../images/vangogh.jpg" id='i1' style="position:relative; height: 80px;"> <br><br> <input type=button onClick=timer() value='Start'> <input type=button onClick=reset1() value='Reset'> <div id='msg'></div> </div> <script> function reset1(){ clearTimeout(my_time); document.getElementById('i1').style.left= "10px"; document.getElementById('i1') "10px"; document.getElementById("msg").innerHTML=""; } function disp(){ var step=1; // Change this step value //alert("Hello"); var y=document.getElementById('i1').offsetTop; var x=document.getElementById('i1').offsetLeft; document.getElementById("msg").innerHTML="X: " + x + " Y : " + y if(y < 3300 ){y= y + step; document.getElementById('i1') y + "px"; // vertical movment }else{ if(x < 400){x= x + step; document.getElementById('i1').style.left= x + "px";//horizontal move } } ////////////////////// } function timer(){ disp(); my_time=setTimeout('timer()',10); } </script>
<div id="zes"> <button onclick="ex()">Click</button> </div> <style> { position: relative; top: 10%; bottom: 50%; left: 30%; right: 50%; margin: auto; } </style> <script> function ex() { var abc = document.createElement("IMG") abc.setAttribute("class", "center") abc.setAttribute("src", "../images/vangogh.jpg"); abc.setAttribute("width", "150"); abc.setAttribute("height", "150"); abc.setAttribute("alt", "example"); document.getElementById("zes").appendChild(abc); } </script>
The number of images is:
<div class="grid_C"> <p id="een_A"></p> <p>The number of images is: <span id="twee_B"><span></p> <p id="drie_C"></p> <p id="vier_D"></p> </div> <script> var allImgs = document.getElementsByTagName("img"); document.getElementById("een_A").innerHTML = "total of images in this page: " + allImgs.length + " pictures"; let nummer = document.images.length; document.getElementById("twee_B").innerHTML = nummer; var imgCount = document.images.length; var svgCount = document.getElementsByTagName('svg').length; var finalCount = imgCount + svgCount; document.getElementById("drie_C").innerHTML = "total number of pictures: " + finalCount; function countImages(){ var images = document.getElementsByTagName('IMG'); var count = images.length; document.getElementById('vier_D').innerHTML= "grand total of pictures: " + count; } countImages(); </script>
<div class="grid_C"> <p id="vijf_E"></p> <p id="zes_F"></p> <p id="zeven_G"></p> <p id="acht_H"></p> </div> <script> var imgTags = document.getElementsByTagName('img'); // Loop through each <img> tag and extract the image file name for (var i = 0; i < imgTags.length; i++) { var imgTag = imgTags[i]; var imgSrc = imgTag.src; console.log(imgSrc); document.getElementById("vijf_E").innerHTML += imgSrc + "<br>"; }, function (i) { console.log('image', i.src); });, function (i) { document.getElementById("zes_F").innerHTML += 'image: '+ (i.src) + "<br>"; }); const getImages = (el, includeDuplicates = false) => { const images = [...el.getElementsByTagName('img')].map(img => img.getAttribute('src') + "<br>" ); return includeDuplicates ? images : [ Set(images)]; }; document.getElementById("zeven_G").innerHTML = getImages(document, true); document.getElementById("acht_H").innerHTML = getImages(document, false); </script>