HTML - tutorial - 31 - SVG - paint server elements



<hatch> <linearGradient> <pattern> <radialGradient> <solidcolor>



is used to stroke an object. It uses one or more pre-defined paths to fill an object.

It repeats the path after a fixed interval in a specified direction to cover the areas to be painted.

Syntax: <hatch x="" y="" pitch="" rotate="" hatchUnits="" hatchContentUnits="" transform="" href="">

attributes: x, y, rotate, transform. href


Keep smiling


                    <svg viewBox="0 0 400 300">
                            <hatch id="hatch"  hatchUnits="userSpaceOnUse" pitch="5" rotate="135">
                                <hatchpath stroke="#a080ff" stroke-width="4" />
                        <foreignObject x="25" y="2" width="260" height="160" color="Green">
                                <br><br>Keep smiling<br><br>
                        <rect fill="url(#hatch)" stroke="Green" stroke-width="4" x="5%" y="5%" width="30%" height="30%" />



lets authors define linear gradients to apply to other SVG elements.

the <linearGradient> element must be nested within a <defs> tag, which is short for "definitions" and contains definition of special elements (such as gradients).

Linear gradients can be defined as horizontal, vertical or angular gradients:1/ horizontal gradients are created when y1 and y2 are equal and x1 and x2 differ; 2/ vertical gradients are created when x1 and x2 are equal and y1 and y2 differ; 3/ angular gradients are created when x1 and x2 differ and y1 and y2 differ

attributes: gradientUnits, gradientTransform, href, spreadMethod, x1, x2, xlink:href, y1, y2



                    <svg viewBox="0 0 10 6">
                            <linearGradient id="myGradient" gradientTransform="rotate(90)"> 
                                <stop offset="5%"  stop-color="blue" />
                                <stop offset="95%" stop-color="red" />
                        <!-- using my linear gradient -->
                        <circle cx="5" cy="3" r="3" fill="url('#myGradient')" />



defines a graphics object which can be redrawn at repeated x- and y-coordinate intervals ("tiled") to cover an area.

the <pattern> is referenced by the "fill" and/or "stroke" attributes on other graphics elements to fill or stroke those elements with the referenced pattern.

attributes: height, patternContentUnits, patternTransform, patternUnits, preserveAspectRatio, viewbox, width, x, xlink:ref, y



                    <svg viewBox="0 0 230 100">
                            <pattern id="star" viewBox="0,0,10,10" width="10%" height="10%">
                                <polygon points="0,0 2,5 0,10 5,8 10,10 8,5 10,0 5,2"/>
                        <circle cx="50"  cy="50" r="50" fill="url(#star)"/>
                        <circle cx="180" cy="50" r="40" fill="none" stroke-width="20" stroke="url(#star)"/>



lets authors define radial gradients that can be applied to fill or stroke of graphical elements.

the <radialGradient> element must be nested within a <defs> tag, which is short for "definitions" and contains definition of special elements (such as gradients).

attributes: cx, cy, fr, fx, fy, gradientUnits, gradientTransform, href, r, spreadMethod, xlink:href



                    <svg viewBox="0 0 10 5">
                            <radialGradient id="myGradient_a">
                                <stop offset="10%" stop-color="gold" />
                                <stop offset="95%" stop-color="red" />
                        <!-- using my radial gradient -->
                        <circle cx="5" cy="3" r="3" fill="url('#myGradient_a')" />



defines a single color in multiple places for an SVG input. It defines a palette and allow it to use consistently throughout a document.

attributes: has no specific attribute



                    <svg viewBox="0 0 100 50">
                            <solidColor id="color" solid-color="#a080ff"  solid-opacity="0.5" />
                            <rect fill="none" stroke="blue" x="6" y="6" width="25" height="25" />
                            <rect fill="url(#color)" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" x="1" y="1" width="35" height="35" />