The Document.createNodeIterator() method returns a new NodeIterator object.
createNodeIterator(root) createNodeIterator(root, whatToShow) createNodeIterator(root, whatToShow, filter)
root : the root node at which to begin the NodeIterator's traversal.
whatToShow : optional. An optional "unsigned long" representing a bitmask created by combining the constant properties of "NodeFilter". It is a convenient way of filtering for certain types of node. It defaults to 0xFFFFFFFF representing the "SHOW_ALL constant".
const nodeIterator = document.createNodeIterator( document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT, (node) => node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "p" ? NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT : NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT ); const pars = []; let currentNode; while ((currentNode = nodeIterator.nextNode())) { pars.push(currentNode); }