The hasAttributes() method of the Element interface returns a boolean value indicating whether the current element has any attributes or not.
The hasAttributes() method returns true if a node has attributes, otherwise false. The hasAttributes() method always returns false if the node is not an element node.
element.hasAttributes() node.hasAttributes();
Parameters: none
let foo = document.getElementById("foo"); if (foo.hasAttributes()) { // Do something with 'foo.attributes' }
The body element has attributes:
<div> <p>The body element has attributes:</p> <p id="attr-1"></p> </div> <script> let answer = document.body.hasAttributes(); document.getElementById("attr-1").innerHTML = answer; </script>
<div> <div id="div1" style="background: green; border: 0.1vw solid red; color: orange;">do I have attributes? <span id="attr-2"></span> </div> </div> <script> let answer1= document.getElementById("div1").hasAttributes(); document.getElementById("attr-2").innerHTML = answer1; </script>
<div> <div> <button id="btn1" style="background: lightgreen; border: 0.1vw solid blue; color: indigo;">do I have attributes? <span id="attr-3"></span> </button> </div> </div> <script> let answer2= document.getElementById("btn1").hasAttributes(); document.getElementById("attr-3").innerHTML = answer2; </script>