HTML - attributes - cols



"cols" attribute: specifies the visible width of a text area syntax some examples

"cols" attribute: specifies the visible width of a text area


The HTML <textarea> cols attribute is used to tell the browser how many average-width characters should fit on a single line i.e the number of columns to display.
The size of a text area can also be set by the CSS height and width properties.



<textarea cols="number">

number specifies the width of the text area (in average character width). Default value is 20.

some examples

<textarea style="margin-left:3vw;" rows="4" cols="50"> abcdefd hijkl mnop qrst uvw xyz. abcdefd hijkl mnop qrst uvw xyz. abcdefd hijkl mnop qrst uvw xyz. abcdefd hijkl mnop qrst uvw xyz.</textarea>

Interview Questions

Why do you want go for the Editor Job Profile? (100 words)

What are your weaknesses? (50 words)

                    <h4 style="margin-left:3vw;" >Interview Questions</h4>
                    <p class="spec">Why do you want go for the Editor Job Profile? (100 words)</p>
                    <textarea style="margin-left:3vw;"rows="6" cols="70">Write the answer in 100 words only... </textarea>
                    <p class="spec">What are your weaknesses? (50 words)</p>
                    <textarea style="margin-left:3vw;"rows="4" cols="70"> Write the answer in 50 words only...</textarea>