HTML - attributes - for



"for" attribute : specifies relationships between elements. syntax some examples

"for" attribute : specifies relationships between elements.


It can be used on the <label> and <output> elements.

When used together with the <label> element, the "for attribute" specifies which form element a label is bound to, i.e. to specify an "identifier" to the label element.
When used together with the <output> element, the "for attribute" specifies the relationship between the result of the calculation and the elements used in the calculation.



<label for="element_id">

<output for="element_id">

label: element_id: the id of the element the label is bound to.

output: element_id: specifies the relationship between the result of the calculation and the elements used in the calculation.

some examples


Click on one of the text labels to toggle the related radio button:

label for="css">CSS

                    <p class="spec">Click on one of the text labels to toggle the related radio button:</p>
                    <form style="margin-left:5vw;" action="action_page.php">
                        <input type="radio" id="html" name="fav_language" value="HTML">
                        <label for="html">HTML</label><br>
                        <input type="radio" id="css" name="fav_language" value="CSS">
                        <label for="css">CSS</label><br>
                        <input type="radio" id="javascript" name="fav_language" value="JavaScript">
                        <label for="javascript">JavaScript</labsel><br><br>
                        <input type="submit" value="Submit">
+ =
                    <form style="margin-left:5vw;" oninput="x.value=parseInt(a.value)+parseInt(b.value)">
                        <input type="range" id="a" value="50">
                        +<input type="number" id="b" value="25">
                        =<output name="x" for="a b"></output>