The <fieldset> HTML element is used to group several controls as well as labels (<label>) within a web form. The <fieldset> tag draws a box around the related elements.
disabled: value : disabled;
specifies that a group of related form elements should be disabled. If this Boolean attribute is set, all form controls that are descendants of the <fieldset>, are disabled, meaning they are not editable and won't be submitted along with the <form>. They won't receive any browsing events, like mouse clicks or focus-related events. By default browsers display such controls grayed out. Note that form elements inside the <legend> element won't be disabled.
form : value: form_id;
specifies which form the fieldset belongs to.
name : value: text;
specifies a name for the fieldset.
The <legend> tag is used to define a caption for the <fieldset> element. The <legend> tag must be the first tag inside <fieldset>.
<fieldset> <legend> . . . . . . . .</legend> . . . </fieldset>
code: <form> <fieldset> <legend>Choose your favorite animal <input type="radio" id="cat" name="animal"> <label for="cat">cat</label><br/> <input type="radio" id="dog" name="animal"> <label for="dog">dog</label><
<input type="radio" id="fox" name="animal"> <label for="fox">fox</label> </fieldset> </form>
code: <form> <fieldset> <legend>Personalia:</legend> <label for="fname">First name:</label> <input type="text" id="fname" name="fname"><br><br> <label for="lname">Last name:</label> <input type="text" id="lname" name="lname"><br><br> <label for="email">Email:</label> <input type="email" id="email" name="email"><br><br> <label for="birthday">Birthday:</label> <input type="date" id="birthday" name="birthday"><br><br> <input type="submit" value="Submit"> </fieldset> </form>
coding: <form action="#"> <fieldset disabled> <legend>Disabled fieldset <div> <label for="name">name: <input type="text" id="name" value="Chris"> </div> <div> <label for="pwd">Archetype: <input type="password" id="pwd" value="Wookie"> </div> </fieldset> </form>
code: <form"> <fieldset> <legend>Personal Information</legend> <label for="name">Name</label> <input name="name" id="name"> <label for="dob">Date of Birth</label> <input name="dob" id="dob" type="date"> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Shipping Address</legend> <label for="add1">Address Line 1</label> <input name="add1" id="add1"> <label for="add1">Address Line 2</label> <input name="add2" id="add2"> <label for="city">City</label> <input name="city" id="city"> <label for="zip">Zip / Postal Code</label> <input name="zip" id="zip"> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Payment Info</legend> <label for="cc-type">Credit Card</label> <select name="cc-type" id="cc-type"> <option value="Mastercard">Mastercard</option> <option value="Visa">Visa</option> <option value="Amex">American Express</option> </select> <label for="cc-number">CC Number</label> <input name="cc-number" id="cc-number"> <!-- A real payment form needs more info! --> </fieldset> </form>
code: <form class="wd"> <fieldset class="wd"> <legend>User basic information:</legend> <label>first Name</label><br> <input type="text" name="fname"><br> <label>last Name</label><br> <input type="text" name="lname"><br> <label>enter email</label><br> <input type="email" name="email"><br><br> </fieldset><br> <label class="tx">enter your feedback:</label><br> <textarea class="tx" cols="30"></textarea><br><br> <input class="tx" type="Submit"><br> </form>
code: <div class="spec"> <fieldset> <legend>E-voting System </legend> <table border="1"> <tr> <td>First name:</td> <td><input type="text" placeholder="First Name" required></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Last Name:</td> <td><input type="text" placeholder="Last Name" requited></td> </tr> <tr> <td>address:</td> <td input type="text"placeholder="address"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Candidate Name:</td> <td> <select name="" id=""> <option>Courtois Thibaut</option> <option value="">Hazard Eden</option> <option value="">De Bruyne Kevin</option> <option value="">Lukaku Romulu</option> <option value=""></option> </select> </td> </tr> <td>Team:</td> <td> <select name="" id=""> <option value="">Real Madrid</option> <option value="">Manchester City</option> <option value="">Chelsea</option> </select> </td> <tr> <td>Sex:</td> <td> <input type="radio">Male <input type="radio">Female </td> </tr> </table> <input type="submit"> </fieldset> <style> #fieldset_one{width: 30vw; margin: 0 auto;} </style>
code: <fieldset id="fieldset_two"> <legend> E-Voting System</legend> <table border="1"> <tr><td>First Name td><td><input type="text"></td></tr> <tr><td>Last Name</td><td><input type="text"></td></tr> <tr><td>Address</td><td><input type="text"></td></tr> <tr> <td> Candidate Name</td> <td> <select> <option>Name1</option> <option>Name2</option> <option>Name3</option> <option>Name4</option> <option>Name5</option> <option>Name6</option> </select> </td> </tr> <td>Party</td> <td> <select> <option>Party 1</option> <option>Party 2</option> <option>Party 3</option> <option>Party 4</option> <option>Party 5</option> <option>Party 6</option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Sex</td><td><input type="radio" name="e">Male<input type="radio" name="e">Female</td></tr><br><br> </td> </tr> </table> <input type="submit" value="Submit"/> </fieldset> <style> #fieldset_two{width: 30vw; height: 18vw; margin: 0 auto;} </style>
<div class="spec"> <fieldset class="one"> <input id="Oone" type="text" placeholder=" " id="family-name" minlength="5" required/> <label id="Otwo"for="family-name">Full name</label> </fieldset> </div> <style> .one{border: none; padding: 0; position: relative;} .Oone { font-size: 2vw; border: none; outline: none; border-bottom: 0.2vw solid var(--grey); padding: 2vw 0; transition: border-color 300ms;} .one [type="text"]:focus {border-color: black;} #Oone + #Otwo { font-size: 2vw; position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; color: var(--grey); pointer-events: none; transform-origin: left; transition: transform 300ms;} #Oone:focus + #Otwo, #Oone:not(:placeholder-shown) + #Otwo { transform: scale(0.6) translateY(-40px);} #Oone:not(:placeholder-shown):not(:focus):invalid {border-bottom: 3px solid var(--red);} #Oone:not(:placeholder-shown):not(:focus):valid {border-bottom: 3px solid var(--green);} </style>
<main> <form action="login-api/"> <fieldset class="two"> <legend>Submit your data</legend> <label for="email">enter your Gmail</label> <input id="email" placeholder="Enter your email ending with" pattern="^[a-zA-Z0-9_.+-][email protected]$" name="email" type="email" required /> <span class="error-message">Enter a valid email ending with</span> <span class="success-message">Email correct</span> <label for="score">Enter your test result</label> <input id="score" placeholder="Enter number between 0 and 100" type="number" name="score" min="65" max="100" required /> <span class="error-message">You haven't reached the minimum score</span> <span class="success-message">Congratulations for your excellent score</span> <label>Tick if you want to receive marketing spam from us <input id="accept" name="marketing" type="checkbox" required /> </label> <button type="submit">Submit</button> </fieldset> </form> </main> <style> :root {--input-border: #8b8a8b; --input-focus-h: 245; --input-focus-s: 100%; --input-focus-l: 42%;} main {padding: 1vw;} .two{border: none;} legend {font-size: 1vw; font-weight: bold;} input,button,label {display: block;} input { width: 25vw; height: 2vw; padding: 1vw; font-size: 1vw; outline: none; border: 2px solid var(--grey);} label {margin-top: 3vw;} .error-message, .success-message {display: none;} input:focus {border: 2px solid black;} input:optional {background-color: 2px solid var(--yellow);} .error-message {color: var(--red);} .success-message {color: var(--blue); } input:not(:placeholder-shown):not(:focus):valid {border: 2px solid var(--green);} input:not(:placeholder-shown):not(:focus):invalid {border: 2px solid var(--red);} input:not(:placeholder-shown):not(:focus):invalid + .error-message, input:not(:placeholder-shown):not(:focus):valid + .error-message + .success-message {display: block;} [type="checkbox"] {width: auto;} [type="submit"] {width: 15vw; height: 3vw; margin-top: 2vw; border: none; background-color: var(--blue); cursor: pointer; } form:invalid [type="submit"] {background-color: var(--grey); cursor: not-allowed; } form:invalid [type="submit"]:active {pointer-events: none;} </style>