CSS properties - border-related - 2



animated borders various border types border shadows

animated borders


gradient border animation

Animated CSS Gradient Border
                <div class="gradient-border" id="box">Animated CSS Gradient Border</div>
                #box {display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; width: 60vw; height: 20vw; color: white; font-family: 'Raleway'; font-size: 2.5vw; margin-left: 5vw;}
                .gradient-border {--borderWidth: 0.5vw; background: #1D1F20; position: relative;  border-radius: var(--borderWidth);}
                .gradient-border:after {content: '';  position: absolute; top: calc(-1 * var(--borderWidth));left: calc(-1 * var(--borderWidth)); height: calc(100% + var(--borderWidth) * 2); 
                width: calc(100% + var(--borderWidth) * 2); background: linear-gradient(60deg, black, yellow, red); border-radius: calc(2 * var(--borderWidth)); z-index: -1; 
                animation: animatedgradient 3s ease alternate infinite; background-size: 300% 300%;}
                @keyframes animatedgradient {
                    0% {background-position: 0% 50%;}
                    50% {background-position: 100% 50%;}
                    100% {background-position: 0% 50%;}

gradient border

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Vero pariatur corporis quaerat voluptatum eos tempora temporibus nisi voluptates sed, exercitationem sequi dolore culpa incidunt accusamus, quasi unde reprehenderit ea molestias.
                <div class="module-border-wrap">
                    <div class="module">
                    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Vero pariatur corporis quaerat voluptatum eos 
                    tempora temporibus nisi voluptates sed, exercitationem sequi dolore culpa incidunt accusamus, quasi unde
                    reprehenderit ea molestias.
                .module-border-wrap {max-width: 55vw; padding: 1vw; position: relative; background: linear-gradient(to right, red, yellow, black); padding: 1vw;margin-left:5vw;}
                .module {background: lightblue; color: brown; padding: 2vw;}

CSS-animated effect border

                    <div class="container">
                        <div class="background-img">
                            <div class="box_1">
                                <div class="content">
                                    <h3>My animated Border </h3>
                                    <p class="spec"><a href="1.jpg" style="color:#00ffe9;" target="_blank">All our modules 
                                    are designed to play nicely with responsive of course. At the end of the day it comes down 
                                    to the theme you use - our code doesn't get in your way.</a></p>
            .container{padding-top: 2vw; padding-bottom: 2vw;}
            .background-img{ background-image: url("../../images/1.jpg"); height: 20vw; width: 30vw; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; margin: 5% auto; padding:2vw; border: 1vw solid #2a3cad; 
                border-radius: 0.5vw; box-shadow: 0vw 0vw 0.5vw #2a3cad; position: relative; }
            .content h3{ font-size:1.25vw;}
            .box_1{position: absolute; top: 50%;  left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); width: 20vw; height: 20vw; background: #111845a6; box-sizing: border-box; overflow: hidden; 
                box-shadow: 0 2vw 5vw rgb(23, 32, 90); border: 0.2vw solid #2a3cad; color: white; padding: 2vw; }
            .box_1:before{content: ''; position:absolute; top:0;  left:-100%; width:100%; height:100%; background: rgba(255,255,255,0.1); transition:0.5s; pointer-events: none;}
            .box_1:hover:before{left:-50%; transform: skewX(-5deg);}
            .box_1 .content{ position:absolute; top:1vw; left:0.5vw; right:0.5vw; bottom:1vw; border:0.2vw solid #f0a591; padding:1vw; text-align:center; box-shadow: 0 0.5vw 1vw rgba(9,0,0,0.5);}
            .box_1 span{position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; display: block;box-sizing: border-box;}
            .box_1 span:nth-child(1){transform:rotate(0deg);}
            .box_1 span:nth-child(2){transform:rotate(90deg);}
            .box_1 span:nth-child(3){transform:rotate(180deg);}
            .box_1 span:nth-child(4){transform:rotate(270deg);}
            .box_1 span:before {content: ''; position: absolute; width:100%; height: 0.2vw;background: #50dfdb; animation: animating 4s linear infinite;}
                @keyframes animating {
                    0% {transform:scaleX(0);transform-origin: left;}
                    50%{transform:scaleX(1);transform-origin: left;}
                    50.1%{transform:scaleX(1); transform-origin: right;}
                    100%{transform:scaleX(0);transform-origin: right;}

border animation with "outline" property

                    <button class="border-button"></button>
                    .border-button {width: 2v2; height:2vw; outline: solid 1vw #FC5185; transition: outline 0.6s linear; margin: 5vw;}
                    .border-button:hover{ outline-width: 5vw;}

border animation with "clip-path" property

                .border-button-2 {width: 20vw; height: 10vw; border: solid 1vw #FC5185; clip-path: polygon(calc(0% + 0.1vw) calc(0% + 0.1vw) /* top left */, calc(100% - 0.1vw) 
                    calc(0% + 0.1vw) /* top right */, calc(100% - 0.1vw) calc(100% - 0.1vw) /* bottom right */, calc(0% + 0.1vw) calc(100% - 0.1vw) /* bottom left */); 
                    transition: clip-path 0.6s linear; margin: 1vw;}
                .border-button-2:hover {clip-path: polygon(0 0, 20% 0, 20% 20%, 0 20%);}
                <button class="border-button-2"></button>

another border animation using "clip-path" property

            .box{margin: 5vw; width: 50vw; height: 20vw; margin-left: 10vw; background-color: lightgrey; position: relative; box-shadow: 1vw 1vw 4.2vw 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.75);}
        .box:after, .box:before{mix-blend-mode:multiply; filter:none; z-index: -1; content:'';  width:calc(100% + (5vw * 2));  height:calc(100% + (5vw * 2)); position: absolute; display: block;
        animation: border 10s ease-in-out infinite; transform:translateX(-5vw) translateY(-5vw);}
        @keyframes border {
        0%, 100% { -webkit-clip-path: polygon(0 0, calc(100% - (33.3333333333px)) calc(0% + (33.3333333333px)), 100% 100%, calc(0% + (33.3333333333px)) calc(100% - (33.3333333333px))); 
            clip-path: polygon (0 0, calc(100% - (33.3333333333px)) calc(0% + (33.3333333333px)), 100%  100%, calc(0% + 33.3333333333px)) calc(100% - (33.3333333333px)); }
            50% {-webkit-clip-path: polygon(calc(0% + (33.3333333333px)) calc(0% + (33.3333333333px)), 
            100% 0, calc(100% - (33.3333333333px)) calc(100% - (33.3333333333px)), 0 100%); clip-path: 
            polygon(calc(0% + (33.3333333333px)) calc(0% + (33.3333333333px)), 100% 0, calc(100% - (33.
            3333333333px)) calc(100% - (33.3333333333px)), 0 100%); }
        .box:after{ animation-delay: -5s; background-color: #93e1d8; clip-path: polygon(0 0, calc(100% - (33.3333333333px)) calc(0% + (33.3333333333px)), 100% 100%, calc(0% + (33.3333333333px)) 
            calc(100% - (33.3333333333px)));}
        .box:before { background-color: #AA4465; clip-path: polygon(calc(0% + (33.3333333333px)) calc(0% + (33.3333333333px)), 100% 0, calc(100% - (33.3333333333px)) calc(100% - (33.3333333333px)),
             0 100%);}
        .box:hover:after{animation-delay: -0.1s;}
        .box:hover:before, .box:hover:after {animation-duration: 0.2s;}

simple border animation created with CSS

my simple animation

            <div class="guess">
                    <h3>my simple animation</h3>
                .guess {padding: 0; position: relative; width: 55vw; height: 5vw;text-align: center; background: green; margin-left: 2vw;}
                .guess h3 {position: relative; color: red;}
                .guess::before {content: ""; position: absolute; top: -0.1vw; left: -0.1vw; width: 0; height: 0; background: transparent; border: 0.2vw solid transparent;}
                .guess:hover::before {animation: animate 1s linear forwards;}
                @keyframes animate {
                    0% {width: 0; height: 0; border-top-color: black; border-right-color: transparent; border-bottom-color: transparent; border-left-color: transparent; }
                    50% {width: 100%; height: 0; border-top-color: black; border-right-color: black; border-bottom-color: transparent; border-left-color: transparent;  }
                    100% {width: 100%; height: 100%; border-top-color: black; border-right-color: black; border-bottom-color: transparent; border-left-color: transparent;}            
                .guess::after {content: ""; position: absolute;  top: -0.1vw; left: -0.1vw; width: 0; height: 0; background: transparent; border: 0.2vw solid transparent;}
                .guess:hover::after {animation: animates 1s linear forwards; }
                @keyframes animates {
                    0% {width: 0; height: 0; border-top-color: transparent; border-right-color: transparent; border-bottom-color: transparent; border-left-color: black; }
                    50% { width: 0; height: 100%;border-top-color: transparent; border-right-color: transparent;  border-bottom-color: black; border-left-color: black; }
                    100% {width: 100%; height: 100%; border-top-color: transparent;  border-right-color: transparent;  border-bottom-color: black; border-left-color: black; }

another CSS-based border animation


                .box_a {position: relative; width: 60vw; height: 40vw; margin: 0 auto; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);  display: flex; overflow: hidden; border-radius: 1vw; justify-content: center; align-items: center; 
                    -webkit-border-radius: 1vw; -moz-border-radius: 1vw; -ms-border-radius: 1vw; -o-border-radius: 1vw;}
                .box_a::after {position: absolute; content: ""; inset: 0.4vw; border-radius: 1vw; background: #1d1f5c; -webkit-border-radius: 1vw;}
                -moz-border-radius: 1vw; -ms-border-radius: 1vw; -o-border-radius: 1vw;}
                .box_a::before {content: ""; position: absolute; width: 14vw; height: 130%; background: linear-gradient(black, yellow, red); animation: rotate 3s infinite linear;  -webkit-animation: rotate 3s infinite linear;}

                @keyframes rotate {
                    0% {transform: rotate(0deg); -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); -moz-transform: 
                        rotate(0deg); -ms-transform: rotate(0deg); -o-transform: rotate(0deg);}
                        100% { transform: rotate(360deg); -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg); 
                        -moz-transform: rotate(360deg); -ms-transform: rotate(360deg); 
                        -o-transform: rotate(360deg);}
                .box_a h3 {font-size: 8vw;  color: #fff; z-index: 10;}
            <div class="box_a">

still another CSS border animation

                .block {position: relative; margin: 3vw auto 0; width: 30vw; height: 25vw; background: linear-gradient(0deg, #000, #272727);}
                .block:before, .block:after {content: ''; position: absolute;left: -0.2vw; top: -0.2vw;background: linear-gradient(45deg, #fb0094, #0000ff, #00ff00,#ffff00, #ff0000, #fb0094, #0000ff, 
                #00ff00,#ffff00, #ff0000); background-size: 400%; width: calc(100% + 0.4vw);  height: calc(100% + 0.4vw); z-index: -1; animation: steam 20s linear infinite;}
                @keyframes steam {
                0% {background-position: 0 0;}
                50% {background-position: 400% 0;}
                100% {background-position: 0 0; }
                .block:after {filter: blur(5vw);}
                <div class="block"></div>

golden border shimmer

                .wrapper {padding-top: 10vw; width: 40vw; height: 20vw; margin: 0 auto; position: relative;  overflow: hidden;}
                .main-element {position: absolute; top: 1%; left: 1%; display: block; height: 98%;  width: 98%; margin: auto; align-self:center; background: #fff; z-index: 1;}
                .border {position: absolute; display: block; top: -50%; left: -50%; z-index: -9; display: block; height: 200%; width:  200%; transform: rotate(-45deg); overflow: hidden; 
                    background: linear-gradient(to right, #fff 20%, #fff 40%, #ECD08C 50%, #ECD08C 55%, #fff 70%, #fff 100%);  background-size: 200% auto; animation: shine 3s linear infinite;}
                /*Begin shimmer code*/
                @keyframes shine {
                    to { background-position: 200% center; }
                <div class="wrapper">
                <div class="border"></div>
                <div class="main-element"></div>

border composition and animation

Hover me!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Amet at error, facilis nesciunt officiis perspiciatis repudiandae voluptates voluptatibus? Aperiam atque consectetur esse excepturi explicabo facilis labore magnam provident unde vitae.

            @keyframes bg {
                0% {background-size: 0 1vw, 1vw 0, 0 1vw, 1vw 0;}
                25% {background-size: 100% 1vw, 1vw 0, 0 1vw, 1vw 0;}
                50% {background-size: 100% 1vw, 1vw 100%, 0 1vw, 1vw 0;}
                75% {background-size: 100% 1vw, 1vw 100%, 100% 1vw, 1vw 0;}
                100% {background-size: 100% 1vw, 1vw 100%, 100% 1vw, 1vw 100%;}
            div.one {width: 50%; margin: 2vw auto; padding: 2vw; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #C9C9C9 100%, #C9C9C9 100%), 
                linear-gradient(to bottom, #C9C9C9 100%, #C9C9C9 100%), linear-gradient(to right,  #C9C9C9 100%, #C9C9C9 100%), linear-gradient(to bottom, #C9C9C9 100%, #C9C9C9 100%); 
                background-size: 100% 3px, 3px 100%, 100% 3px, 3px 100%; background-position: 0 0, 100% 0, 100% 100%, 0 100%;animation: bg 1.25s cubic-bezier(0.19, 1, 0.22, 1) 1; 
                animation-play-state: paused; }
            div.one:hover {animation-play-state: running;}
            <div class="one">
                <h3>Hover me!</h3>          
                <p class="spec">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Amet at 
                error, facilis nesciunt officiis perspiciatis repudiandae voluptates voluptatibus? 
                Aperiam atque consectetur esse excepturi explicabo facilis labore magnam provident 
                unde vitae.</p>

various border types


simple borders

A heading with a solid red border

A heading with a dotted blue border

A div element with a double border.

            <div class="spec">
                <h3>A heading with a solid red border</h3>
                <h4>A heading with a dotted blue border</h4>
                <div class="test">A div element with a double border.</div>
                h3 {border: 0.25vw solid red;}
                h4 {border: 0.3vw dotted blue;}
                div .test {border: double;}


A heading with a solid red bottom border

A heading with a dotted blue bottom border

A div element with a double bottom border.

            <div class="spec">
                <h3 class="bottom1">A heading with a solid red bottom border</h3>
                <h4 class="bottom2">A heading with a dotted blue bottom border</h4>
                <div class="bottom3">A div element with a double bottom border.</div>
                .bottom1 {border-bottom: 0.25vw solid red;}
                .bottom2 {border-bottom: 0.3vw dotted blue;}
                .bottom3 {border-bottom: double;}


A heading with a solid red bottom border

A heading with a dotted blue bottom border

A div element with a double bottom border.

            <div class="spec">
                <h3 class="bottom21">A heading with a solid red bottom border</h3>
                <h4 class="bottom22">A heading with a dotted blue bottom border</h4>
                <div class="bottom23">A div element with a double bottom border.</div>
                .bottom21 {border: 0.25vw solid red;border-bottom-left-radius:1.5vw;}
                .bottom22 {border: 0.3vw dotted blue;border-bottom-left-radius:1.5vw;}
                .bottom23 {border: double;border-bottom-left-radius:1.5vw;}


A heading with a thin border

A heading with a thick border

A div element with a medium border.

            <div class="spec">
                <h3 class="bottom24">A heading with a thin border</h3>
                <h4 class="bottom25">A heading with a thick border</h4>
                <div class="bottom26">A div element with a medium border.</div>
                .bottom24 {border-style: solid; border-width:thin}
                .bottom25 {border-style: dotted; border-width: thick;}
                .bottom26 {border-style: dashed; border-width: medium;}


no border

fitst approach - some text

first approach - some other text

second approach - some text

second approach - some more text

third approach - some text

third approach - some more text

            <h3 style="border-color : red ; border-style : solid ; border-width : 0">
            fitst approach - some text</h3>
            <h3 style="border-color : red ; border-style : solid ;">first approach
            - some other text</h3>
            <h3 style="border-color : green ; border-style : solid ;  border : 0">
            second approach - some text</h3>
            <h3 style="border-color : green ; border-style : solid ;">second approach
            - some more text</h3>
            <h3 style="border-color : green ; border-style : solid ;  border : none">
            third approach - some text</h3>
            <h3 style="border-color : green ; border-style : solid ;">third approach 
            - some more text</h3>

non-jumpy bottom-border

some text to fill up the div

            <div class="my-element">...</div>
            <style c lass="spec">
                .my-element:hover {border-bottom: 1px solid black;}
                .my-element {height: 18px; box-sizing: border-box; }

border shadows


drop-shadow vs. box-shadow

box-shadow example (transparent)
drop-shadow example (transparent)

            <div class="transparent-shadow">
                <div class="margin-right">
                    <div class="margin-bottom align-center">box-shadow</div>
                    <img class="box-shadow" src="../../images/smiley.png" alt="box-shadow example (transparent)" dtyle="width: 10vw; height: 10vw;">
                    <div class="margin-bottom align-center">drop-shadow</div>
                    <img class="drop-shadow" src="../../images/smiley.png" alt="drop-shadow example (transparent)" style="width: 10vw; height: 10vw;">
            .transparent-shadow {height: 30vw; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center;}
            .margin-right { margin-right: 2vw;}
            .margin-bottom { margin-bottom: 1vw;}
            .align-center {text-align: center;}
            .box-shadow {box-shadow: .4vw .8vw 1.6vw red;}
            .drop-shadow {filter: drop-shadow(.4vw .8vw 1.6vw red);}


basic box-shadow

The key to success is to start before you're ready.

— Marie Forleo

                <div id="box1" class="box">Box1</div>
                <div id="box2" class="box">Box2</div>
                <div id="box3" class="box">Box3</div>
                    <q>The key to success is to start before you're ready.</q>
                    <p>— Marie Forleo</p>
                p {padding: 1vw;}
                .box {padding: 2vw; width: 50%; margin: 3vw auto; background: #000; color: #fff;}
                #box1 {box-shadow: .6vw 1.2vw yellow;}
                #box2 {box-shadow: .6vw 1.2vw .4vw .8vw red;}
                #box3 {box-shadow: .6vw 1.2vw .2vw .2vw blue, -.6vw -1.2vw .2vw .2vw green;}
                blockquote {width: 50%; margin: 5vw auto; padding: 2vw; font-size: 2vw; box-shadow: inset 1vw .5vw 2.5vw .5vw black, .5vw .5vw 1.2vw .2vw black;}

non-rectangular shapes

            <div class="shape-img">
            <img class="box-shadow-2" src="shape.svg" alt="">
            <img class="drop-shadow-2" src="shape.svg" alt="">
            .shape-img img {display: inline-block; height: 13vw; width: 13vw; margin-left: 20vw;}
            .box-shadow-2 {color: red;box-shadow: 0.6vw 0.6vw 0.2vw;}
            .drop-shadow-2 {filter: drop-shadow(0.6vw 0.6vw 0.2vw);}

drop-shadow vs. box-shadow

            <div class="my-div">
                <div class="box_b"></div>
                <div class="box_c"></div>
                .my-div{margin-left: 20vw; height: 15vw; width: 15vw; display: flex; flex-flow: row nowrap; justify-content: space-around;}
                .box_b{width: 15vw; height: 15vw; gap: 1vw; box-shadow: 0vw .5vw 1vw 0vw skyblue;background-color: burlywood;}
                .box_c{width: 15vw; height: 15vw; gap: 1vw; box-shadow: 0vw .5vw 1vw 0vw skyblue;background-color: lightgreen;}
                .box_b:hover{box-shadow: 0vw 1vw 0vw 2vw rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); transform: translateY(-1vw);}
                .box_c:hover{background-color: white; box-shadow: inset 0vw 1vw 2vw .2vw rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) ; transform: translateX(1vw);}


neon shadows

            <div class="neon">
            <div class=box6></div>
            <div class=box7></div>
            .neon {height: 30vw; width: 100%; background: #2c2c2c; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center;margin-left: 10vw;}
            .box6, .box7{height: 10vw; width: 10vw; background: #2c2c2c; border-radius: 1.5vw; margin: 2vw; transition: all ease 0.2s; 
                border: .1vw solid #333;}
            .box6 {box-shadow: 0vw .5vw 1vw 0vw rgba(0,255,255,0.7);}
            .box7 {box-shadow: inset 0vw .5vw 1vw 0vw rgba(0,255,255,0.7);}
            .box6:hover{transform: translateY(-.5vw); box-shadow: 0vw 1vw 2vw .2vw rgba(0,255,255,0.7);}
            .box7:hover{transform: translateY(.5vw); box-shadow: inset 0vw 1vw 2vw .2vw rgba(0,255,255,0.7);}