The Element.hasAttribute() method returns a Boolean value indicating whether the specified element has the specified attribute or not.
name : required; is a string representing the name of the attribute.
const foo = document.getElementById("foo"); if (foo.hasAttribute("bar")) { // do something }
Does the button have an onclick attribute:
<div> <button id="myBtn" onclick="functionA()">BUTTON</button> <p>Does the button have an onclick attribute:</p> <p id="has-1"></p> </div> <script> const myButton = document.getElementById("myBtn"); let answer = myButton.hasAttribute("onclick"); document.getElementById("has-1").innerHTML = answer; </script>
Click "Change" to change the link target to "_self_".
Try clicking the link before and after "Change".
<div> <a id="myA" href="" target="_blank">my website</a>. <p>Click "Change" to change the link target to "_self_".</p> <button onclick="functionB()">Change</button> <p>Try clicking the link before and after "Change".</p> </div> <script> function functionB() { const element = document.getElementById("myA"); if (element.hasAttribute("target")) { element.setAttribute("target", "_self"); } } </script>